
زینب کیس۔۔۔۔ ہولنا ک انکشافات Zainab Murdar Case

زینب کیس۔۔۔۔ ہولنا ک انکشافات لاہور(ویب ڈیسک) زینب قتل کیس کہنے کو اغوا کے بعد زیادتی اور زیادتی کے بعد قتل کی ایک عام سی واردات لگتی ہے۔ لیکن اس قتل کے پیچھے اتنے ہولناک حقائق ہیں جسے قطعی طور پر نظر انداز نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔ معاملہ سیرل کلر کا ہو یا ٹارگٹ ریپ کا لیکن یہ طے ہے کے سیکورٹی ادارو  کا اس قتل اور اس سے دیگر وارداتو سے جڑے حقائق پر پردہ دالنا ہی عافیت ہے۔نامور کالم نگار جمیل فاروقی اپنے ایک کالم میں لکھتے ہے۔ جو پردہ اٹھائے گا اس کا انجام بھیانک ہو گا۔ کیونکہ یہ مافیا بزنس مینوں سے لے کر سیاست دانوں تک پھیلا ہوا ہے۔ عام جنسی تشدد اور شہوت سے جڑی واردات میں قاتل کاروائی کرتا ہے اور ثبوتوں کو صاف کرنے کے بعد غائب ہو جاتا ہے لیکن جنسی زیادتی  سے جڑے اس  ہولناک قتل کے دوران زینب کی دونوں کلائیوں کو چھری سے کاٹا گیا۔ گلے کو پھندے سے جکڑا گیا۔ جسم پر بے پنا تشدد کیا گیا۔ اعظائے مخصوص کو تیز دار آلے سے نشانات پہنچائے گئے اور زبان کو نوچا گیا۔  اسے عام طور پر جنسی زیادتی اور تشدد کے واردات میں نہیں ہوتا ایسا کسی اور مقصد کے لیے کیا جاتا ہے اور وہ مقصد بے پنا پیسے کا حصول ہے۔ پیسے

Action after Kasur

Action after Kasur Suspect has been apprehended, now it is time for justice to take its course. The Kasur tragedy has shocked the nation, opened a necessary national dialogue on the terrible scourge of child sexual assault and perhaps helped pave a path to social and state reform. The authorities in Punjab, including Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in a rather distasteful, triumphant news conference on Tuesday, have announced the arrest of a suspect in the case of sexual assault and murder of young Zainab Amin. The suspect, Imran Ali, is also believed to be responsible for the assault and murder of other young children, and yesterday he was presented in an anti terrorism court. Investigators have an initial 14 days to assemble the evidence against the suspected killer. DNA test results could be the irrefutable proof that connects him to the horrific crimes he is accused of having committed, but it is necessary that all aspects of the investigation be conducted professionally and wi

Pakistan condemns Unilateral US drone Strike

Pakistan condemns Unilateral US drone Strike  Two killed in Pre-dawn attack on Afghan refugee camp in Kurram Agency: FO By Bqir Sajjad Syed & Hassan Mehmood ISLAMABAD/KALAYA: Pakistan on Wednesday condemned a US drone strike deep inside its territory targeting an Afghan refugee camp and warned Washington that such unilateral steps would be detrimental to cooperation between the two countries in fight against terrorism. This was the first US Drone strike inside Pakistani territory over the past 19 months, the Foreign Office confirmed, as none of the over one dozen attacks by the unmanned vehicle reported in the media during this period had drawn official condemnation from Pakistan's FO. "Pakistan condemns a drone strike in Kurram Agency carried out by the Resolve Support mission (RSM) this Wednesday morning, witch targeted an Afghan refugee camp" the FO stamen said.  Area residents told Dawn that an unmanned plane fired missiles on a mud house in

Turkish incursion

Turkish incursion   Turkeys recent incursion into Syrian territory is likely to further complicate matters i the Arab country even if Ankara has legitimate security concerns about Kurdish militias active across its southern border. Turkey lanced the military offensive on Saturday, targeting the predominantly Kurdish YPG militia present in northern Syria; the incursion has involved air strikes as well as gourd troops. Ankara is wary of armed Kurdish groups gaining ground in regions close to its own Kurdish population, fearing that such groups may lend support to separatist Kurd within Turkey, it has in fact accused the YPG of having links with the PKK, the Kurdish guerrilla group with which the Turkish state has fought a nearly four decade war. The incursion may have been speared by recent comments from "American Officials the US Backs the YPG" of the creation of border security force made up of Syrian Kurdish fighters to keep a check on the militant Islamic State group.

DNA helps Police catch suspect Zainab case

"DNA helps Police catch suspect i Zainab case" According to JIT report, seven girls were raped and killed by the same 23-year-old perpetrator  KASUR/ LAHORE:   The nearly two week long manhunt for the culprit behind the rape and murder of eight year old Zainab in Kasur came to end on Tuesday, as investigators revealed that the DNA from tissue samples collected from a 23-year old resident of the same vicinity as the victim had matched samples obtained from the crime scene.  Relaying on the DNA profiles of 1150 men between the ages of 20 and 45 years, the investigators finally zeroed in on Imran ali, a resident of Road Kot and a laborer by profession. He was the 814th suspect whose tissue samples were sent for DNA resting. the police had earlier taken him into custody twice but then released him over health complaints. Dressing a room full of reporters in Lahore on Tuesday evening, a visibly pleased Punjab Chief Minister Shabaz Sharif, accompanied by the victim'

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Musharaf Answering the Question ("Jamiga-ulom-ul-Islamia benori Twon Kar...
