
Showing posts from December 26, 2017

Guidance Services in Schools

Chapter 30 Guidance Services in Schools The Chapter at a Glance Keeping pupils’ progress record. The child guidance clinic. An integral part of a school.             The most important duty of any progressive school is the adequate provision of guidance services for its students. A school that fails to provide such services impairs the mental and physical health and efficiency of the students very seriously.             A school may provide guidance to its students through the teachers or through a child guidance clinic. The teacher's guidance procedures are mainly dependent upon the keeping of pupil's progress records. The clinic, however, employs specialized guidance techniques. In an ideal school situation both work in collaboration with each other. Keeping Pupil's Progress Records           ...


Chapter 29 METHODS & PROCEDURES OF GUIDANCE The Chapter at a Glance Kinds of information needed for guidance. Methods of obtaining and recording the information. Utilization of information in guidance work. Role of the child guidance clinic.             An adequate system of guidance necessitates the collection of all relevant information regarding the guidee, e.g., his physical and mental health, his interests and aspirations, his home life, etc. For this purpose certain elaborate data-collecting and recording procedures have been devised. The collected information is then utilized in the actual guidance of the individual in various life situations. The Scheme of Chapter             The present chapter is accordingly divided into the following three sections:—             Section One: ...