A Brand New Political
Party with Brand New Leaders
A passionate appeal before all Pakistani
brothers and sisters.
Pakistan has been quietly attacked from
all sides. The aim of the attackers,
led by USA, is quite clear but the response of our leaders and decision makers
is ambiguous. In reality we are passing through a worst time in all respects, but
it appears to be a routine matter for our leaders. We have been watching such a
dismal performance of our so-called political leaders for too long now after
Quaid-i-Azam. We have been suffering under the perpetual corrupt system of
governance and justice for the last 62 years. We are just fed up from years of
blatant white lies, deceit, hypocrisies, injustices, mismanagements,
incompetence, criminal negligence, character failings, corruption and plunder
of national resources. Worst of all, we have been compromising on the vital
national interests for self gains and for the interests of foreign powers; we
have been ignoring the peoples’ rights and well beings, and above all
endangering our sovereignty and integrity. The demonstrated performance of our
democracy based on multi-party system has utterly failed us. While difference
of opinion is always welcome in a vibrant society because it helps to arrive at
a rational and balanced decision, the concept of opposition party or parties
and government party is not akin to our culture. In most cases it leads to
point scoring, degrading the opponent and mud slugging only. The hereditary,
personality-based, autocratic and tycoons-funded political parties of Pakistan without
even iota of internal democracy are now being hated by the people. Our traditional
political parties with no ideology and concrete programs for development and
welfare of people are looked down upon because they are only interested in
grabbing power for personal gains. They have not been able to meet the
cherished expectations of people of Pakistan despite repeated chances to lead.
The Deeni Political parties were given a full opportunity to rule and show the
difference, but even they also blundered very badly. So, none has the will to
bring any positive change and none is credible anymore. Unless we, the people,
stand up united right now- first to defend Pakistan and then give it the
desired direction, it may go into chaos and anarchy God-forbid. We, the genuine
citizens of our beloved country Pakistan, shall have to wake up now and get
hold of our destiny in our own hands. We cannot continue to live in dreams and
false hopes any more. We have seen enough of this system now. It hasn’t
delivered. The time for a Major Change has come now.
Look ! What is happening today? It is the logical result of the above stated scenario.
are fighting American’s war since 2001 and have destroyed our peace and
tranquility in the entire country. India, USA, Israel, puppet regime of USA in
Afghanistan and others have attacked us from all sides and through all possible
angles. Israeli’s planned, Indian’s trained/equipped/financed, and American’s
supported terrorists are terrorizing Pakistan from all over but none is
exposing and countering this heinous crime. The Parliament is subservient to
the whims of just a few. No one is raising the voice except the media. American
embassy in Islamabad now is the biggest in the entire world and is being
converted into a mini-pentagon with 1000 plus marines and Security Guards of
Blackwater and Dyn Corp placed inside and around the fortress -looking
compound. Why are we selling them so much of land here? Why are we allowing
hundreds of armed Americans here? All kinds of foreign forces are being allowed
to come in unchecked and to freely operate from our ground facilities. No one
even knows the identity of these Americans and others entering and exiting
Pakistan through unchecked special chartered aircrafts. No one checks the
contents of the baggage and loads they bring in by air and sea. Drone attacks
in FATA have already destroyed our honor and dignity as independent and
sovereign state. Everything of value here is being destroyed systematically.
Our nuclear assets and other centers of power are their immediate targets. All
our communication networks are being monitored by CIA from our soil. Mysterious
and secret posts have been allowed to be established and manned by Americans
around our Kahuta facility within a few kilometers. It appears the USA has been
clandestinely allowed to neutralize or even control our nuclear capability. Thousands
of our houses have been hired in NWFP, Islamabad, Karachi and Quetta by shady
and disreputed front-end NGOs of CIA for unknown purposes. Special Foreign Spy
Networks are operating inside our country against our interests. Armed
Americans with freshly grown beards and wearing shalwar –qameez have been seen
roaming freely in our society. The prime times of our Radio and TV channels
have been purchased by America for their vicious propaganda. To top it all we
are selling everything of our honor through Kerry-Lugar Bill and the like. All
these are visible signs of a big conspiracy against Pakistan. Armed Forces of
Pakistan have shown their serious concerns on such vital security and
sovereignty issues. Our government still defends its very unreasonable and
irrational stance on all these developments, though these must be happening
with the full connivance of all our decision makers. The government has never
bothered to take the parliament of the people into confidence at any stage. The
spineless and toothless responses of some of the political leaders from PML(N),
MQM, ANP and JUI are just not understandable. Who all have been purchased by
CIA? What is this happening? Apparently we have been colonized already. Is it
Our economy is now in the hands of foreign powers. They tell us how to prepare
budgets, increase the rates of various commodities, and privatize our vital
national assets to pay back their loans. Our load of foreign loan has exceeded
60 billion USD which includes those loans of which more than 60 % is spent by
Americans to cover their administrative costs. In fact we are now foreign loan
dependant to make our national budgets. Thanks to Aziz and Tareen- handpicked
financial managers for us from USA. The IPPs and IRPs shall burden us more on
higher rates of power hence almost 100 % of our industry will come to a
grinding halt, hence more un-employment less revenue. We are handing over 700,000
hectares of our valuable agriculture land to oil-rich countries to produce products
for them only. We have criminally left to India our legitimate water rights
from our rivers coming from Kashmir.
Jammu and Kashmir, our jugular vein, is still bleeding without due care.
Internally we are passing through crises one after the other: price hikes of
daily use commodities, oil & gas sky-rocketing prices, power breakdowns,
insecurity and fear, character failings, mega mismanagement and corruption scandals
to name a few.
As a society we are crumbling from
within and withering away. The chaos
and anarchy is about to occur if we do not bring discipline and character in
all our dealings. We have violated
all the fundamental provisions of Pakistan Resolution 1940 and our Constitution
of 1973. Pakistan is a sacred dream; it came into being for a very sacred
purpose. That purpose is yet to be achieved. We need justice across the board,
we need to have our basic human needs fulfilled, we need an egalitarian society
as far as possible, we need good quality education and health care, we need
peace and security and we need to become a true Islamic Welfare State for
others to see and follow suit. The people have always been ready for
sacrifices. It is the corrupt leadership which has faltered every time. In fact
the entire system has gone cancerous. We have forgotten our individual as well
as collective obligations of our beloved Deen-e-Islam. This Deen is meant for
the entire Humanity, and not for Muslims only. The so-called Talibans have
destroyed our good image. We can never enforce Islam on others, let it be a
free choice. However, the Nizam must be ours. What have we done to our Deen till
now? We neither act upon it ourselves properly nor make it available to others
to follow. What an invaluable treasure we are losing? What an unpardonable
crime we are committing?
We committed big blunders but learnt nothing from our past history so far. Our present leaders are just not concerned,
rather living in total delusion. They have displayed no vision, no long-term
objectives, no policies, no respect for the peoples’ opinion and aspirations,
and no accountability. They blindly work on dictates of foreign powers: USA to be
specific. It is height of criminal
negligence, violation of the constitutional mandate and unpardonable incompetence
on their part. The Time has come that they must give way to better leaders who
can take better care of Pakistan and its people. Even after six decades we are
not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. How can we succeed under these conditions? Impossible. How can we be quiet and
get eliminated? Impossible.
So, what must be done? We must put a stop to all these if we
wish to survive as a vibrant and honorable Nation and achieve the ultimate
success i.e. Falah. Enough is enough.
None else but we the People of Pakistan can save ourselves Insha-Allah. Time is
running out. Let us quickly decide together to bring a revolutionary change for the better in every system of our
beloved country. Our strong will to change with our most active
participation is a must to seek Allah’s Blessings and help. Let every one of us: the children, the youth,
the old, the males, the females, the workers, the farmers, the government
employees, the soldiers, the teachers, the scientists, the technicians, the
managers, the administrators, the poor, the rich, the Pakistanis immigrants
abroad join hands together to launch this sacred and the most unprecedented
political movement in order to bring a
positive and peaceful revolution in Pakistan under just one brand new national
political party and brand new leaders. We just don’t want yet another
reactionary political party as PPP. It hasn’t proved fruitful. We now wish to
bring a positive, realistic and revolutionary change akin to our culture and
faith. Let us seek guidance from Quran and Sunnah in all respects in this regard.
Let us be real and committed Muslims for once. Let us seek help from Allah
Almighty alone. The turbulent time shall soon be over Insha –Allah. USA shall be running away from this region
for good. It has no ideology whatsoever except the brutal force; it is bound to
be defeated. Let us push them out quickly and handle this victory with unity
and care. Let us not run away from war, let us prepare for it to deter it, and
if it comes to support our Armed Forces to win it. In short, let us launch a
decisive peoples’ movement against all these evils together.
We Muslims are well
known to the world since 7th Century AD. Let us not forget that we have had
the longest and most glorious past of Muslim civilization the world has ever
seen before. We educated and guided the world in all disciplines of knowledge
and human endeavors when the rest of the humanity was suffering under the
tyranny of Dark Ages. We were then the sole super power. We were the source of
security and strength for even non-Muslims. The suffering humanity was rescued
by us then. The Humanity is suffering once again and leading to a disastrous
end even in this modern era of science and technology. We are just sleeping for
the last about 600 years. Let us wake up to face this challenge again. Only we
Muslims have the Divine recipe to avert this disaster. Let us act upon it
ourselves first so as to attract others to follow suit. Let us not be afraid of
anyone except Allah Almighty alone. Let
us transform Pakistan into a true Islamic Welfare State through peaceful
political movement like before. Let us make Pakistan the beacon of light and
Center of Power for the entire planet.
In order to achieve the above stated objective, we certainly
need sincere, educated, competent and selfless leaders to do so. They are
present among us. You can choose them yourself now. You may as well be the one
we are looking for. You may be the one leading this new political party. Yes,
each one of us must take part in this search for good leaders. Let this brand
new political party be called Alfalah
Party Pakistan (APP). Let it provides
you this new political forum and golden opportunity to participate. Let us
bring it into being with our own hands. It is the party of all of us. We all
should join it with the noble intention (Niat) of serving the humanity for the
pleasure of Allah Almighty alone. The old politicians shall not be acceptable
in the leading role in APP. It has to be run and led by newly elected leaders
of right quality and character. Let us pick them up from 170 millions of our
people. They are present there; we just have to search them out. We have the
right ideology. We have the required potentials. We have the required will to do so. We the
poor and unprivileged common people will have to take the initiative. We did it
in 1940-1947. We can do it again in much better way now. Pakistan was created
but not yet completed. We shall do the final act now Insha-Allah. Do you agree? I am confident you do.
9. To begin with, following steps are planned to be taken in that sequence:
(1) Firstly,
please become the regular member of this Party of revolutionary and noble
manifesto. All Pakistanis, males and females, of 15 years and above are
requested to become regular members of APP.
Just show your willingness in any manner along with your name, mailing address,
age, education level, phone contact and donate Fi-Sabi-Lillah Rs. 200 per head as
membership fee to the Party Fund before our first National Party Convention.
(2) Secondly,
we need brand new dynamic leaders to be proposed by you all at the scale of at
least 25 leaders per each district and each agency of FATA. These leaders must
be prepared for all kinds of sacrifices: physical, financial and mental. All
Pakistanis are eligible and can propose their leaders at will. The potential
leaders may understand the gravity of the situation and accept the
responsibility as compelling requirement of our Deen, hence offer your services
yourself for the sake of Allah alone and not for any worldly gain. Please
send the CVs with credentials/ photographs and phone contacts through any
available means on the addresses given below so that you may be invited for
(3) Thirdly,
we shall have to elect the district heads as well as pick up two leaders per each district/agency
(among 25) from all over Pakistan to form a pioneer Central Advisory Council
of APP. This shall be done by a
3-member committee to be constituted from the Head Office. These leaders must
be competent, honest and committed brand
new national leaders. Old leaders of existing political parties are in-eligible
except those who have had clean personal record in all respects.
(4) Fourthly, please remember that all the proposed leaders must be
physically fit, mentally alert, at least of 35 years of age, God-fearing/pious,
honest, followers of basic tenets of Islam, trust worthy, knowledgeable,
experienced, competent, dynamic, social activist, committed to our above stated
revolutionary objective, not saleable, not purchasable, willing to work for the
service of humanity Fi-Sabi-Lillah in any capacity for the pleasure of Allah Almighty
alone. They must be well literate in
Urdu, English and preferably Arabic as well. They must possess good written and
verbal expression in any of these languages. Deeni Ilm with Amal would be a
plus point. They should be good orators as well. They must be enthusiastic
political activists to go round the length and breadth of the district at own
cost to convince the people and to unite them under the banner of APP for our historic noble
revolutionary cause. They may be clean shaved or bearded-doesn’t matter. Please
do not hesitate. Be bold and speak out your true mind in life loudly and
sincerely. Step forward yourself if you agree with us and have the desired will
to lead Fi-Sabi-Lillah. This is our last golden opportunity to rise in history.
Let us avail it.
(5) Fifthly,
we, the members of APP, shall soon
be holding our first National Convention in Islamabad for framing and approving
our revolutionary Party Constitution and Party Manifesto and launching this
largest, decisive and noble mass movement throughout Pakistan thereafter Insha-Allah.
The fundamental
aim of this entire exercise is to convert Pakistan into an exemplary Islamic
Welfare State: to restore the power to the people, to spend the wealth of
Pakistan on the poor people of Pakistan, to eliminate corruption, to enforce
justice, to protect the people in all respects and to fulfill all their basic
needs guaranteed to them in the Constitution and to enable them to order their
lives as per their Faith and aspirations. We
are aiming at real Falah of every citizen of Pakistan. Let us get hold
of our destiny. Let us defeat our enemies. The glorious future is ours once
again. The strongest Islamic Pakistan is ours. We shall soon lead the Ummah and
the world Insha-Allah. Allah Almighty may protect Pakistan against all evils
known and unknown and bless us all, Ameen !
We shall be waiting for your valuable response. Thanks a lot.
Address: Brig (retired) Muhammad Ali,
House No. 8, Army Housing
Warsak Road, Peshawar Cantt, Pakistan.
Email: m. ali. bathan @ gmail . com
Phone: 0092-91-9213128, 0300-9332222, 0333-9044355