The Chapter at a Glance
The guidance situation in
Causes of indifference towards
guidance services.
Recommendations for improved
guidance services.
Our most fundamental need.
needs some sort of guidance, be it through a wise teacher, a kind parent, an
experienced counselor or through the specialized agency of a child guidance
clinic. Provision of adequate guidance, as has been repeatedly pointed out,
proves extremely beneficial to the individual, his family, the school and the
community from the mental, physical, financial, social and cultural points of
views. Conversely, an absence of any guidance whatsoever, or misguidance is
replete with greatest possible hazards for the child and hence for everyone in
the community.
The Guidance Situation in Pakistan
situation with regard to the dearth of the available guidance services in
Pakistan warrants serious consideration of all those who have any genuine
regard for the cause of health, education and welfare of children.
Dearth of Guidance Services and its
to the dearth of adequate guidance services in our country and its consequences
on child growth, a Pakistani educationist* once remarked:—
"It is very common to observe that an alarmingly great number of
children in our country go astray because of lack of timely guidance at home
and school. This sad situation warrants serious consideration of all of us.
child who’s basic inner needs are not adequately satisfied and whose
development is thrown out of balance by various difficulties is virtually
exposed to the risk of a number of unfortunate developments such as truancy,
educational backwardness, anti-sociality and delinquency. In later adult life
these unguided and misguided children might assume more dangerous and more
deadly forms and thus become a formidable obstacle in the social-cultural
evolution of the entire community."
Necessity and Urgency of Guidance
light on the necessity and urgency for adequate provision of appropriate
guidance services in our homes and schools the same speaker said:
of this human wastage, obviously inimical both to the individual and to the society,
could have been avoided if these adults were given proper guidance right from
the earliest year of their career.
Elaborate guidance programs
become all the more indispensable in an age which is fast becoming
reconstruction and progress minded. Schools and homes, therefore, must realize
the necessity and urgency of attending to the guidance needs of each individual
child. At each developmental stage the child must be helped to develop balanced
and a healthy attitude towards his fellow-beings and the surroundings.
Causes of Indifference towards
Guidance Services
educationally progressive countries of the world have done immensely
enlightening work in this field. They are now engaged in making further
improvements, refinements and expansion in child guidance services. Needless to
point out, we have been on the contrary indifferent and sluggish in this
direction. In fact, our needs as regards guidance services are much wider than
those of most other countries. This is clearly indicated in the rising tide of
our educational wastage and failures, intellectual frustration and
superficiality, professional inefficiency and misfits, etc.
makes us forgetful of our guidance needs? The following causes are mainly
responsible for our indifference towards the development of adequate guidance
services for our children and young people:—
Lack of popular realization.
Defective educational system.
Theoretical instruction in psychology.
Lack of training facilities for guidance workers.
(1) Lack
of Popular Realization: Our masses are not fully alive to the necessity and
utility of guidance services. They fail to visualize the dangers consequent
upon the non-availability of adequate guidance in various fields of our
national life. Mass illiteracy is one of the serious factors that stand in the
way of a popular national awakening to this need.
(2) Defective Educational System: Our previous educational system was
hollow and unrealistic. It laid much emphasis on bookish learning but made no
provision for the development of individuality and creativity in the learner.
Consequently, it never bothered about providing guidance services for the
development of desirable virtues and traits among school and college students.
Although this defective educational system is now being replaced by a better
one, yet the damage done by the previous system cannot be undone overnight.
(3) Theoretical Instruction in Psychology: Instruction in Psychology
provided at the college and university levels is predominantly theoretical and
academic. It fails to stimulate the psychology students to appreciate the needs
and problems of children in actual life situations and to apply their
psychological knowledge in various fields of guidance. This unfortunate
situation is now also being remedied but the desired results will be achieved
only after some time.
(4) Lack of Training Facilities for Guidance Workers: No adequate
facilities are available for practical training in guidance work. Of late
arrangements are reported to have been made for certain short-term training
courses for the guidance and counseling workers at the Institute of Education,
University of the Punjab, Lahore. Such modest efforts, however, are
insufficient to meet the ever-growing demand for training facilities. With the
existing inadequate arrangements for the training of guidance workers those
clinics that are already operating experience tremendous difficulties in
obtaining the services of suitably qualified and experienced personnel for
their staff.
Recommendations for Improved
Guidance Services
is obvious that adequate organization in Pakistan of the much needed guidance
services will require sound planning and hard toil. Really constructive steps
are what are required. Superficial measures and ill-planned moves do more harm
than good. To begin with, effective measures need to be taken immediately to
meet all the inadequacies in the present situation which have been pointed out
in the foregoing pages.
A National Institute of Child Study
addition to this, certain other specific measures will have to be taken to make
improved guidance services available to our children. The establishment of a
National Institute of Child Study would be one very useful and practical
proposed institute would conduct research and field work on child development
and guidance. Besides a number of other specialized sections, it would also
have three distinct departments on guidance, each specializing mainly in the
following fields:—
Educational Guidance.
Vocational Guidance.
Personal Guidance.
is a self evident fact that the
establishment of such an institute and
the staffing of its wings with appropriately lately trained personnel, capable
of conducting research and practical work in these main fields of guidance,
will meet the most fundamental and the most brutally neglected need of the
country. It will save immeasurable loss and waste, both human and material, in
education, industry, vocations and other fields of life.
Establishment of a Guidance Bureau
establishment of a National Bureau of Guidance would also go a long way towards
meeting a pressing need of the time. Such a bureau would be staffed by trained
and mature guidance workers. It could also start a technical
journal on guidance publishing the research and field work conducted by the
main functions of the proposed bureau would be as follows:—
(1) Conducting and publishing research work on
(2) Training
guidance workers in the theory and practice of guidance and helping them to
establish guidance services in important towns and villages.
(3) Constructing
and standardizing of tests of intelligence, personality, aptitude, etc.
(4) Coordinating
the activities of guidance clinics and centers already engaged in guidance work
and promoting cooperation in their
(5) Popularizing
adequate guidance practices among individuals and agencies.
Our Most Fundamental Need
has been repeatedly pointed out, the provision of adequate guidance services
is one of the most fundamental needs of our country. Investing finances in the
establishment, administration and maintenance of such services is the most
economical measure that a progressive nation can adopt in order to improve the
human stuff of which it is composed and thereby increase its material and
mental efficiency.