Humanity, Science, and Globalization
Humanity, Science, and Globalization Last Updated on Thursday, 08 February 2007 11:07 by Fethullah Gülen Tuesday, 31 December 2002 21:00 Share Existence, which exists solely for humanity, was created in order to bear fruit for all people. Earth was decorated for humanity, just as the sky serves as a dome and the sun as a torch to light up this world. All of creation, except for humanity, fulfills its functions perfectly, and all realms beyond humanity's reach depict an absolute serenity, peace, and joy. A sense of serenity overrides the ceaseless motion despite the countless objects in space, and no disorder or confusion can be seen among them. Even though humanity has been given emotions, a mind, and a conscience, people are still capable of causing discord in the midst of this universal peace and harmony. Since humanity bears the consequences of its destructive impact more than any other species, all people should join this harmony with their will power, discover the...