The Chapter at a Glance
Home-centered problems.
School-centered problems.
Community-centered problems.
An adequate guidance program.
In order to
succeed in administering guidance to young people one must know their life and
the nature and extent of the problems for which they need guidance. The main
problems which usually confront children during their everyday life can be
classified into the following three categories:--
Home-centered problems,
(b) School-centered
problems, and
(c) Community-centered
Home-Centered Problems
The various
needs and problems of children which centre round their home life are as
needs and related problems,
needs and related problems, and
needs and related problems.
Biological Needs and Problems
At birth the
human individual is absolutely helpless. In order to survive and grow up he
needs continued protection and nourishment from his parents. As he grows older
he needs to be guided regarding toilet routines, rest and sleep habits, food
values, avoidance of physical dangers threatening life, etc.
guidance regarding these biological needs and the various problems associated
with them is indispensable for survival and healthy growth of a child. Negligence
or inadequate guidance results in all kinds of complications and undesirable
Psychological Needs and Problems
On the
psychological side, the child needs emotional warmth and security at home. A
child who is denied affection at home and made to feel insecure by his parents
due to any adverse factors in the home life has little chance to develop into a
healthy and efficient adult.
Parents also
need to guide the child into developing certain desirable mental traits, e.g.,
cheerfulness, perseverance, etc. They should safeguard against the development
of undesirable traits in him like temper tantrums, impassiveness etc. The aim
should be to so guide the child as to enable him to develop into a mentally
adjusted and healthy adult.
Social Needs and Problems
also need guidance in the art of sociability. Human beings are gregarious by
nature. But if the social instinct is denied proper guidance during childhood,
it is liable to develop in undesirable directions, e.g., the formation of
anti-social and delinquent groups or gangs, etc. Parents should, therefore,
remain vigilant in ensuring that children develop the right attitudes towards
other children and adults around them, during their playful activities and
general social interconnections in and outside the home.
Children who
are deprived of proper early social guidance at home are liable to develop into
unsocial and introverted personalities. They may even grow into being
anti-social, delinquent and criminal adults in later life.
Children need, stage by stage as they grow up to adulthood,
elementary knowledge about opposite sex and appropriate guidance in their
healthy mutual relationship within the sacred bounds of Islam. Co-education in
the schools and other education institutions, after their age of 10, is not at
all a healthy practice. We must not be following the West blindly, it is now
suffering tremendously and irretrievably due to a deliberate free mixing of
opposite sexes at all levels.
School-Centered Problems
On entering
school, a child's expanded social and cultural horizons open up before him
infinite opportunities of progress and development. But these developmental
opportunities and possibilities can only be exploited to the full if the child
gets adequate and continued guidance from his school teachers.
The problems
regarding which a child needs guidance at school are as follow:-
problems, and
The Academic Problems
A child can
learn the three Rs without tears only if the teacher really knows the art of
teaching young children. Efficiency in teaching methods necessitates a thorough
knowledge of the psychology of child learning. Unless the teaching methods that
a teacher employs in the class room are sound, pleasant and stimulating, the
child will make little academic progress at the school.
As he
advances in age, child needs guidance is making the correct selection of the
school subjects which are most suited to his natural aptitudes. While offering
guidance, a teacher should also be mindful of the individual differences,
abilities and handicaps of each one of the children. Uniformed treatment and
guidance of every child irrespective of his individual personality is by no means
a safe course to follow.
Vocational Problem
vocational aptitudes need to be assessed as early as possible in their school
career. Before the school leaving age the teacher must have given them an
appropriate bias and sufficient training for a specific vocation which appeals
to them most and for which they are most suited.
An adequate
vocational guidance at the school level can avert lot of misfits in professions
which can be a source of great unhappiness to the individual in later life.
Early vocational guidance thus prevents tremendous human and material loss to
the nation.
Personal Problems
The main
personal problems of the school child pertain to his:--
(a) Physical health, and
(b) Mental health.
The school
child needs guidance regarding his physical health and development. This need
must be met by providing adequate medical health services at the school campus.
For his
mental health the child needs security and emotional nourishment in school. He
must feel at home in the classroom. The school authorities must take all
appropriate measures to see that every child feels at ease during the course of
all the school activities. Should a child experience some emotional perplexity,
the teacher should endeavor to understand it from the child's point of view. By
providing him with sympathetic guidance, he should enable the child to face and
solve his problems as amicably as possible.
Social Problems
The social
problems of the school child are manifold. A child needs adequate social
guidance in order to make satisfying adjustments with his class-mates, teachers
and everyone he comes in contact with during his stay at the school. Providing
appropriate guidance to children to enable them to meet their social problems
effectively is as fundamental a duty of the school teacher as imparting
academic instruction.
Community-Centered Problems
Besides the
problems which revolve the home and the school, children have certain problems
which spring from the community. In
order to meet
those problems effectively, children need guidance both at
home and at school.
Some of the
main problems falling under this group are as follows:—
(a) Problems
of occupational adjustment,
(b) Problems
of material adjustment, and
(c) Problems
of general attitudes and social behavior.
Problems of Occupational Adjustment
The health
of a community is largely dependent upon vocationally capable, efficient, and
adjusted individuals. If children ** are
given adequate vocational guidance and training by teachers and parents, they
have abundant chances of choosing for themselves the right occupations.
Developing professional health and efficiency and adjusting to their colleagues
in the profession are the main spheres in which guidance is needed during
adolescence and towards later life. Such a task can be better performed by
specialized vocational guidance agencies.
It is hardly
necessary to re-emphasize that adequate vocational guidance averts a great
deal of professional inefficiency, misplacement and maladjustment. Occupational
maladjustment is a serious mental and economic drain on the resources of a
Problems of Marital Adjustment
In order
grow up to be successful husbands and wives; children need preliminary
orientation and training for marital adjustment at home and school. Parental
education and guidance would save many a child from becoming unsuccessful in
married life and thus having his entire life ruined by marital maladjustments
and failures.
maladjusted parents are a serious social liability not only to their children
but to the entire community.
Problems of General Attitudes and Social Behavior
A child must
be trained to live and let others live peacefully, cheerfully and
creatively. For this he needs suitable
guidance for the development of desirable attitudes and outlooks on life in
general. Early guidance in a healthy and graceful social behavior saves the
child, his parents, his future family and the whole of the community from
innumerable unpleasant developments.
An Adequate Guidance Program
An adequate
guidance program, whether at home or at school or at a specialized guidance
agency, is comprehensive and balanced in outlook. It endeavors to understand
all the manifold needs and problems of children. It makes a resolute attempt to
meet them adequately and scientifically by offering most appropriate, and
balanced guidance programs to children, parents, teachers and community