Showing posts with label Proposed CM’s Development Package for Saghri Khattaks of Shakardara and Rehmanabad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proposed CM’s Development Package for Saghri Khattaks of Shakardara and Rehmanabad. Show all posts

Proposed CM’s Development Package for Saghri Khattaks of Shakardara and Rehmanabad

Proposed CM’s Development Package for Saghri Khattaks of Shakardara and Rehmanabad
Part 1: Financial Package
                                                                                      Proposed to be Financed by/from
                                                                                                           (Rs. in millions)                                                       
                                                                                     Govt of NWFP     OGDCL     O&G Royalty
1.      Designing and Construction of one 132 KV         |
Grid Sub Station with 10/13 MVA Power            |   
Transformer in Shakardara Rural I for all the     |     
three Union Councils of Saghri Khattaks             |     250.00                      -                         -

2.      Activation and Improvement of Water Supply |
Scheme Rehmanabad from River Indus for       |
4 Major Villages(10 years old, NY operational)  |          
including Designing and Laying of Distribution  |
Network up to streets/houses of villages           |            -                           -                    20.00

3.      Mega Water Supply Scheme Shakardara from   |
River Indus for the Entire Community of Saghri |
 Khattaks up to Shakardara and Braghzi  Kalan  |
             (38 km long, est cost Rs.700.00 million Approx) |      350.00                   350.00                 -

4.      Designing and Laying of Distribution Network    |
of potable water of Mega Water Supply              |
Scheme Shakardara from major water tanks      |
to villages and streets in the entire area of         |
Saghri Khattaks from River Indus up to                |
Shakardara – Braghzi Kalan                                    |          -                             -                    25.00

5.      Purchase of 10 Tractors 75 HP with 10xTrollies,|
10x 450 gallons Bowzers and 10 Diesel Pumps   |
              for supplying potable water to villages in 3 UCs|
              (est cost Rs.1.5 million per set)                             |         -                             -                     15.00

6.      Laying of Distribution Network for Supply of      |
Potable Water  From existing small water           |
 supply  scheme for Shakardara Urban                 |        -                             -                     4.00
7.      Designing and Supply of Gas to the Entire           |
Community of Saghri Khattaks (est cost               |
Rs. 500.00 million Approx)                                      |     250.00                 250.00                   -

8.      Feasibility Study and Designing of Uplift              |
Irrigation System from River Indus                        |
              for the entire area of Saghri Khattaks , OR          |       10.00                       -                        -
Irrigation from Barani Dams
9.      Designing and Construction of 1st Green              |
Hills Model Residential School  (KG to 12th)          |
with all major Sports Facilities and Residential   |   
Accommodation for Teaching and                         |
Non-teaching Staff (capacity 1000 students,       |
             est cost Rs.60.00 million )                                        |         -                     60.00                        -                       

10.  Expansion and Up gradation of Civil Hosp            |
Shakardara                                                                 |      50.00                    -                            -

11.  Feasibility Study and Designing of 20-bedded     |    
Hospital in Rehmanabad                                          |        -                        1.00                        -

12.  Designing and Construction of Sewerage            |     
       and Drainage System along with  one                  | 
Sewerage Treatment Plant for Shakardara          |
Town                                                                           |     100.00                  -                             -            

13.  Designing and Construction of Bus Adda             |
and Veg/Fruit Market in Shakardara Town          |
in its outskirts                                                            |      30.00                     -                             -
14.   Designing and Metalling of Streets and Main    |
 Market of Shakardara Town                                  |      20.00                    -                              -
15.  Expansion  and Upgradation of Vet Hosp             |
Shakardara                                                                 |     10.00                    -                               -
16.  Feasibility Study and Designing of a Modern       |
Vet Hospital in Jamal Mela                                      |       -                         1.00                         -

17.  Feasibility Study and Designing of 20  Medium   |
and Large size Barani Dams in the entire area     |
 of Saghri Khattaks with irrigation system            |       -                         3.00                         -

18.  Feasibility Study and Designing of 12 Pasture        |
Lands in Rakh Topi and Torwa-Jugiwala                  
(all fenced ,size7x4 km each, water and fodder     |
arrangements for domestic animals inside)            |      -                          3.00                        -

19.  Designing and Re-const of Road Shakardara-         |
Nandraka – Spinkai Kala                                             |  
(12 km, metalled, 24’ wide)                                       |      -                        120.00                     -

20.  Designing of Road Jamal Mela- Baddu-                   |
Rukhwan- Mullawali (15 km, metalled,24’ wide)  |      -                          2.00                        -

21.   Designing of Road Shakardara-Rehmanabad-      |
Zer Kohi- Janak-Maidonai with a branch road       |
to Sharki- Bairgai (60 km, metalled, 24‘ wide)       |       -                         3.00                        -

22.  Designing of Metalled  Road Hamid Shaheed         |
Chauk- Pakka-  Kekhmonai-Jamalmela- Patarn       |
 with a Shingle Branch Rroad  To Torwa from         |
 Pakka (25 km, Metalled,24’Wide)                            |      -                         3.00                       -

23.  To Establish Supply System of LPG from Chanda   |
Gas Plant to remote areas and those villages         |
not yet linked with gas network of entire               |
Saghri Khattaks( including setting up of supply      |
points,purchase of cylinders and purchase of        |
supplying vehicles)                                                       |     -                       10.00                       -

24.  Recurring cost per annum of running the 10          |
Tractors -Mounted Bowzers for supplying              |                                                                                                  
Potable Water                                                               |      -                        7.20                       -
25.  Purchase of land and Const. of Head Office            |      
Building of PSDS at Rehmanabad and Branch         |
Office Building at Shakardara                                     |      -                        7.20                        -   
                             Total:                                                      1070.00           820.4                 64.00


26.  Establishment of Uplift Irrigation System             |
for the entire area of Saghri Khattaks from          |       250.00              250.00                  -
River Indus OR Barani Dams

27.  Establishment of  2nd Green Hills Model           |
Residential School KG to 12th along with all      |
major Sports Facilities and Residential                |    
Accommodation for Teaching and Non-             |
Teaching Staff (capacity 1000 students )            |             -                     55.00                    -

28.  Adult Education Program to be run by PSDS      |            -                      10.00                   -

29.  Establishment of 20-bedded Hospital in             |
Rehmanabad                                                            |        200.00                   -                         -

30.  Recurring Cost of running 10 Tractors pa           |         
For supply of potable water                                  |            -                        14.5                     -

31.  Construction of 10 Barani Dams(med size)        |             -                           -                  120.00

32.  Running cost of 1st Green Hills Model School    |            -                           -                     10.00

33.   Supply of Electricity to all remaining villages   |
 of Saghri Khattaks                                                  |         200.00                    -                      -   

                                                 Total:                                  650.00                329.5              130.00


34.   Establishment of a Modern Vet Hospital in        |
 Jamal Mela (Rehmanabad Rural II)                       |      50.00                       -                        -

35.  Establishment of 12 Pasture Lands(all fenced ,   |
size 7x4 km  each, water and fodder                     |                                                         
 arrangements inside for domestic animals)        |        -                             -                   120.00

36.  Construction of 5 Barani Dams( large size)          |     50.00                         -                       -

37.  Road Jamal Mela-Baddu- Rukhwan- Mullawali   |
 (15 Km, mettalled, 24’ wide)                                  |    150.00                       -                      -

38.   Construction of  Metalled   Road Hamid              |
 Shaheed Chauk- Pakka- Kekhmonai-                    |
 Jamalmela- Patarn with a Shingle                         |
 Branch Rroad  To Torwa from Pakka(25 km,             |
 24’Wide)                                                                           |     150.0                        -                    -

39.  Designing of Shingle Road Jamal Mela-Utt Mela-      |              
Jhang Khel Mela- Ashraf khel Mela-Chatru-Kabal      |     
Khel Mela-Gujar Mela with a branch road to              |
 Prangey Khwala (15  km, 24’ wide)                               |      -                      1.0                         -

40.   Designing of Shingle Road Kasoo-Sultan Pathan-      |
 Shakarawar   Paqeer  with branch roads  to Musal   |
       and Jabali( 23 km,24’ wide)                                            |      -                     2.00                        -

41.  Construction of 3rd Green Hills Model Residential    |
School (KG to 12th ) with all  major Sports Facilities   |
             and Residential  Accommodation for Teaching and   |
Non- Teaching Staff (capacity 1000 students )            |      -                   60.0                         -

42.  Feasibility Study and Designing of 15 Model              
 Primary Schools in the area of Saghri                          |
Khattaks(KG to 4th, capacity 500 students                   | 
each)                                                                                   |       -                    3.00                        -

43.  Adult Education in Saghri Khattaks                               |       -                    10.1                         -

44.  Recurring Cost of running tractors for water             |
Supply in the entire area                                                |       -                    10.5                         -

45.  Running cost of two  Green Hills Model Schools       |       -                      -                        15.5
46.  Establishment of 2 Nurseries for Plants                      |       -                      -                         10.0    
                                                             Total  :                        400.00            86.6                  145.5


47.  Establishment of 5 Model Primary Schools               |
(KG to 4th, each of 500 students capacity)                 |       100.00               -                            -

48.   Construction of Shingle Road Jamal Mela-Utt         |
Mela- Jhang Khel Mela- Ashraf Khel Mela-               |
Chatru-Kabal Khel Mela-Gujar Mela with                  |
 a branch road to  Prangey Khwala (15  km,              |
24’ wide,)                                                                         |        50.00                -                          -
49.  Construction of Shingle Road Kasoo-Sultan              |
Pathan-Shakarawar Pakeer  with branch road         |
to Musal and Jabali( 23 km,24’ wide)                         |        120.0                  -                         -
50.  Establishment of 5 Model Primary Schools KG         |
to 4th in the area of Saghri Khattaks( Capacity          |
500 students each)                                                         |              -                  100.00               -                      
51.  Recurring Cost of Running Tractors for supplying    |
potable water                                                                  |              -                  10.6                     -
52.  Adult Education in the entire area                               |             -                   10.2                     -

53.  Running cost of 2 Model Schools                                 |             -                      -                 30.00

54.  Designing and construction of Polytechnic                |
Institute in Shakardara Rural I                                      |             -                    50.00         100.00

55.  Provision of Solar Power to 1000 houses of remote|
villages of Saghri Khattaks                                             |       100.00                 -                     -
                                                                           Total:              370.00             170.8           130.00

56.  Const.  of 4th Green Hills Residential School           |           -                         66.00              -
57.  Running Cost of Tractors of Water Supply               |           -                         11.00              -
58.  Running Cost of 3 Green Hills Model Schools          |           -                           -                40.00
59.  Running Cost of 5 Green Hills Primary Schools        |           -                           -                15.00
60.  Const. of 10 Brarani Dams(medium size)                  |         100.00                  -                   -
61.  Running Cost of Polytechnic Institute                        |           -                       10.00              -
62.  Const. of Village Roads ( 50 km)                                  |         25.00                     -                  -
63.  Afforestation in Rakh Topi Area(12 Pastures)           |           -                       20.00              -
64.  Purchase of 4 Diesel Generatos 350 KVA for            |
Mega Water Supply Scheme                                        |           -                            -              25.00

65.  Adult Education for Saghri Khattaks                           |            -                       10.0           10.0
66.  Establishing 5 Green Hills Primary Schools                |            -                           -           100.00
                                        Total:                                                   125.00             117.00      190.00  

5-Years Development Plan for Saghri Khattaks of PF-39 Shakardara-Rehmanabad
Summary of Proposed Financial Package

                                                  To be Financed by/ from
Year                                      Govt of NWFP          OGDCL         Oil & Gas Royalty

         2009-10           :                        1070.00                         820.40                        64.00

           2010-11           :                          650.00                          329.50                      130.00

           2011-12           :                          400.00                            86.60                      145.50

           2012-13           :                          370.00                          170.80                      130.00

           2013-14           :                          125.00                          117.00                      190.00
           G.Total            :                    2615.00                     1524.30                   659.5

Part 2: Administrative Package

67.  Royalty of Oil and Gas of Saghri Khattaks of Shakardara Rural I, Shakardara    Rural II and Shakardara Urban may please be increased to at least 30 % of the amount received by the Province from Federal Govt. It must be spent in the area of Saghri Khattaks on major development projects through relevant Govt Departments in consultation with the leaders of the Community.

68.  All development and social welfare projects in the area of Saghri Khattaks, to be executed by the Govt, or OGDCL, or by MPA or MNAs or Senator or NGOs/Donor Agencies or any other executing agency, may please be done in accordance with a Comprehensive Development Plan for the area and in consultation with the genuine leaders of the Community including the leaders of Pak Saghri Development Society which is the supreme NGO of the entire Community. No one should impose any scheme/project on the people please.

69.  Saghri Khattaks are fed up from corruption and injustices. We request the Govt of NWFP to ensure corruption-free environment in our community in all respects. Pak Saghri Development Society shall extend full cooperation in this regard.

70.  Area of Saghri Khattaks be made a separate Tehsil of District Kohat. OR, please convert this area into a Special Zone for Development like Kala  Dhaka to be placed directly under the CM or Governor for speedy development.

71.  Area of Saghri Khattaks be made a separate Provincial Constituency.

72.  Shakardara Town may please be made an independent Town Council like before.

73.  Special quota be granted for Saghri Khattaks for employment in the Govt Establishments; for admission of students in  medical, engineering, professional colleges/institutions and Govt Universities for next 50 years in line with FATA.

74.  Please direct Pakistan Post and PTCL to establish proper Post offices and Tel-exchanges in Rehmanabad Rural II.

75.  Please ask NGOs and Donor Agencies (like UNDP, JICA, DFID, USAID, Euro Commission, SRSP, BADP etc.) to finance development projects in the area of Saghri Khattaks at priority in consultation with PSDS.

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