
Showing posts from December 23, 2017

Riqe Halal kya Hain


Selfie nay insan ko apna self respect karna he bula diya


General Zia-ul-Haq



Chapter 20 THE EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHILD The Chapter at a Glance Need for understanding and guidance. Causes of emotional disturbances. The responsibility of the teacher. Guidance and treatment.             An emotionally disturbed child presents another group of problems for a teacher. He is 'naughty', mischievous, trouble­some and difficult to manage in the class. His aggression, anger, rage, etc., seem to be utterly out of his control. His tempera­ment is fiery and inconsistent. Describing such a child, Burt* says:             "First one impulse, then another, then a third, each contradictory to the last, and each successively excited by the changing situations of the moment, explodes forth into action. And the life of the un­stable child becomes a series of discontinuous fulminations, like the pops of a Chinese cracker." Need for Understanding ...


Chapter 19 THE MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN The Chapter at a Glance Characteristics of retarded children. Causes and prevention of retardation. Education of the retarded child. Importance of educating the retarded child.             Certain children are exceptionally low in intelligence. They are mentally subnormal to such an extent as to be unable to follow regular school instruction. Those among them whose I. Q. falls below 70 are known as mentally retarded children.             A school may be very well-organized, the teaching staff highly qualified, the instructional methods and the general environment of the school extremely congenial; yet, despite all this, "there will still be problem cases among the exceptional group, whatever its makeup, that do not respond to the educa­tional program." Characteristics of Retarded Children    ...


Chapter 18 THE GIFTED CHILD The Chapter at a Glance Who is a gifted child? The genius in the making. Exceptional achievements of a gifted boy. Characteristics of the gifted child. Education of the gifted child. Special class for the gifted children. Problems in the education of gifted children. Need for special education of the gifted.             Gifted children have been included in the group of excep­tional children needing special attention because they are so superior in intelligence and deviate so markedly from the nor­mal children that they present huge problems connected with their training, education and adjustment. If properly brought up at home and adequately educated at the school most of them are bound to prove talented leaders and geniuses. Conversely, if they are neglected by parents and teachers their giftedness might just as well lead them to excel in undesirable directions. Who i...