Pak Saghri Development Society Agenda Points for Executive Council Meeting on 22 Feb 2009 at Rakhman Abad
Pak Saghri Development Society Agenda Points for Executive Council Meeting on 22 Feb 2009 at Rakhman Abad 1. Final approval of Memorandum and Articles of Association of PSDS and registration of the Society under The Societies Registration Act 1860 in Peshawar . 2. Appointment of Dilroze & Co. as consultant for registration as well as official Auditors of the Society. 3. Approval of new members of Executive Council. 4. Approval of members of Advisory Council. 5. Approval of text of Half Nama of the members of Executive and Advisory Council. 6. Approval of Logo of the Society. 7. Approval of : a. Basic Population Data Form. b. Half Nama / Receipt from Donors. c. Receipt Book of Donations. d. Receipt and Expense Register. e. Membership and Minutes of the Meetings Registers. f. Letter pad form...