Showing posts with label Pak Saghri Development Society Agenda Points for Executive Council Meeting on 22 Feb 2009 at Rakhman Abad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pak Saghri Development Society Agenda Points for Executive Council Meeting on 22 Feb 2009 at Rakhman Abad. Show all posts

Pak Saghri Development Society Agenda Points for Executive Council Meeting on 22 Feb 2009 at Rakhman Abad

Pak Saghri Development Society
Agenda Points for Executive Council Meeting
on 22 Feb 2009 at Rakhman Abad

1.  Final approval of Memorandum and Articles of Association of PSDS and
     registration of the Society under The Societies Registration Act 1860 in
2.  Appointment of Dilroze & Co. as consultant for registration as well as official
     Auditors of the Society.
3.  Approval of new members of Executive Council.
4.  Approval of members of Advisory Council.
5.  Approval of text of Half Nama of the members of Executive and  Advisory  
6.  Approval of Logo of the Society.
7.  Approval of :
a. Basic Population Data Form.
b. Half Nama / Receipt from Donors.
c. Receipt Book of Donations.
d. Receipt and Expense Register.
e. Membership and Minutes of the Meetings Registers.
f. Letter pad format and visiting card for the President.
8.   Approval of main office in Rakhman Abad and branch offices in Shakardara and
9.  Approval of two Asst. Secretaries of the Society in Management Cadre and the
     salary package.
10. Approval of one Naib Qasid per office and the salary package.
11. Approval of one computer literate Office Manager in staff cadre for the main
12. Discussion and Decisions on Development Vision for Saghri Khattaks. The
       vision is attached.
14. Institution of Chigha Party, its organization, functions and activities.
15. Establishment of Central Islahi Committee and local Islahi councils.
16. Subscription to daily Mashriq and The News in the main office.
17. Coordination of all the developmental efforts in the area at the level of PSDS.
18. Payment of Royalty and lease money of Shamilat by OGDC to PSDS.

19. Formation and functions of different working committees of the  Society:
      a. Central Development Committee
      b. Central Education Committee.
      c. Central Islahee Committee and zonal committees.
      d. Central Chigha Committee and zonal committees.
      e. Central Health Committee.
20. Ban on cutting of green trees and plants in Shamilat areas.
21. Ban on hunting of wild animals and birds throughout the area.
22. Total ban on smuggling through our area.

23. Earmarking lands for:
       a. Two model schools in Tarkipal__________ at least 50 kanals.
       b. Two model schools in Shakardara_______ at least 50 kanals.
       c.  One plot for a good hospital____________at least 50 kanal.
       d.  One plot for a residential colony _______  at least 50 kanals.
       e.  One plot for technical institute   _________at least 50 kanals.
       f.  One plot for School for Special Education__at least 50 kanals.
       g.  one plot for Society,s office in Tarkipal____at least 25 Kanals.
       h.  One for Society’s Office in Shakardara___at least  25 kanals.
       i.   Area for University,Med, Eng Colleges___at least 100 acres.
       j.    Area/plots for Society’s Markets in Tarkipal and Shakardara.
            (at least 10 kanals at each place)
       k.  Area required for two recreation parks in Dhand Saghri and
            Shakardara ( 100 kanals each).
       l.  Areas of two huge nurseries__________ at least 20 kanals.
24. Approval of Text of Oath for Members Executive & Advisory Council.

Pak Saghri Development Society
Development Vision for Saghri Khattaks

1. Activation and operation of Rakhman Abad Water Supply Scheme.
2. New mega project of water supply to all villages/towns/melas of Saghri Khattaks.
3. Expansion and re-construction of Road Karapa –Shakardara and Shakardara
4. Construction and operation of two model higher secondary Green Hills Schools,
    one each for males and females, inTarkipal and area close to OGDC Plants in
5.  Adult Literacy in the entire area.
6. Supply of natural gas for domestic consumption to all residents of
     the area.
7. Installation of solar power panels for electricity and solar power water heaters in
     The entire area.
8. Establishment of pastures in Rakh Topi, Shitak, Torwa-Jugiwala and reserve

       Forest area(12 pastures at least).
9. Construction and operation of major rainy water dams in the areas
    of Logarai, Jamal Mela, Kabal mela, Leo Zawar, Torwa, Cheshmai
    algada, Lorey kandao, Shitak Algada, Doopar Algada, Shakardara,
    Rukhwan, Prangey Algada, and 13 other mini dams in the area.
10. Construction of roads ( 45 ft wide metalled) :
      a. Pakka- Kekhmani- jamal Mela- Patanr.
      b. Rakhman Abad-Janak.
      c. Rakhman Abad-Jamal Mela –Gujar Mela.
      d. Jamal Mela-Baddoo-Rukhwan-Mullawali.
      e. Gujar Mela-Sharki.
      f. Janak – Doopar.
      g. Jamal Mela-Kanchka.
      h. Zerowal-Nandraka.
      i. Bori – Banjar Kalley.
      j.  Shakardara-Nandraka-Ghrah Kalley.
      k. Pakka-Torwa- Spin Kandao.
      l. Kaso-Jabalai.
11. Supply and operation of Irrigation Scheme from River Sindh.
12. Construction of two 20-bedded hospitals—one in Tarkipal and
       the other in Shakardara.
13. Technical Institute for diploma Courses.
14.  Opening of a Green Hills University, Medical and Engineering
15. Supply of Electricity through OGDC’s built and operated gas fired   
       power plant and hydro power plant on River Sindh.
16. Construction of a residential colony for the staff of model schools
      and the hospitals.
17. Cottage Industries and Agro-based small industries.
18. Trade houses, Commercial Centers and exports of commodities.
19.  Compost urea production.
20.  Forestation of all waste lands and Zawars.
21. Development of fruit orchards and vegetable gardens.
22. FM radio service for information and education.
23. One monthly magazine” Saghri Nama”, later it may become a
24.  Two recreation parks to be established in Dhand and Shakardara.
25.  Projects of Neem Trees , Olive Trees and other cash plants.
26.  Honey production and marketing.
27.  Production of oil seeds and oil mill.
28.  Introduction of sugar cane crop and production of  chemical free Gur.
29.  Re-claiming of Sobarn land ( 10,000 kanals).
30.  Two nurseries to be established to raise fruit and forest plants, vegetables.

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