
"Advice to the Teacher"

Advice to the Teacher by Sheykh Sadullah Khan ECHOES OF THE HEART As we enter the new academic year we present an extract from Sadullah's paper on VALUE-BASED EDUCATION delivered at the Teacher Development Seminar in Pasadena, USA. ADVICE TO THE TEACHER The Holy Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said, "I have been sent as a teacher" and "have been commissioned to complete the pattern of human behaviour". These prophetic traditions emphasize the significance of education, of ethical values and of moral conduct. AIM OF EDUCATION It is my contention that the aim of education in Islam is to functionally inform and positively transform the student; i.e. initiate a catalytical reaction leading to continuous development of the student's beliefs, thoughts, actions, potentialities, faculties, expressions, motivation and aspirations. Our academic institutions and educational systems must be faith-based and value-laden. Learning is meaningful wh

"A Tribute to Mothers"

A Tribute to Mothers A mother is a blessed saintly being in her own world. Just as the Ka'ba is the spirit, meaning, essence, and atlas of the entire reality of the universe, just as Makka is these for all places, just as the mind is these for the entire body, so too a mother is the spirit, meaning, essence, and atlas for the smallest unit of a society, i.e., the family; she is its foundation, pillar, essence, and a most important material of the Creative Power. In a home, everything centers on her, entraps her, and turns into her. As for the mother, she always revolves around her own axis, like the North Star and follows an orbit that extends above the firmaments.  Mothers are beings that are oriented on the Hereafter in this world. The reward they obtain through their role and employment in creation, the imbalance between the pains and trouble they go through, and how they are responded to in return make up the clearest evidence of this fact. There is no need for complicated

52 Character Building Thoughts for Children By Leah Davies, M.Ed.

52 Character Building Thoughts for Children By Leah Davies, M.Ed. The following quotes may be used in a variety of ways by both teachers and counselors. One idea is for a thought to be posted, read, and discussed at the beginning of each week. It could then be read daily with the students. At the end of the week ask them what they learned or how the thought applied to their lives or activities during the week. Have the children give written or oral examples, or have them draw a picture to illustrate their ideas. How I look is not as important as how I act. I treat others the way I want them to treat me. I am a good sport; I follow the rules, take turns and play fair. It is okay to laugh at funny things, but not to laugh at others. I do not gossip; if I cannot say anything helpful, I do not say anything at all. When I am sad, I help myself feel better by thinking of things that are good in my life. In order to have friends, I must act in a kind way.


12 WAYS TO HELP YOUR CHILD BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE Self-esteem is your child's passport to lifetime mental health and social happiness It's the foundation of a child's well-being and the key to success as an adult. At all ages, how you feel about yourself affects how you act. Think about a time when you were feeling really good about yourself. You probably found it much easier to get along with others and feel good about them. Self-image is how one perceives oneself The child looks in the mirror and likes the person he sees. He looks inside himself and is comfortable with the person he sees. He must think of this self as being someone who can make things happen and who is worthy of love. Parents are the main source of a child's sense of self-worth. Lack of a good self-image very often leads to behavior problems Most of the behavioral problems that I see for counseling come from poor self-worth in parents as well as children. Why is one person a deligh