Cheshmai Water Supply Scheme Installation of Diesel Tube Well for Uplifting and Distributing Potable Water to Nearby Villages

Cheshmai Water Supply Scheme
Installation of Diesel Tube Well for Uplifting and
Distributing Potable Water to Nearby Villages
1.      General.  There is an old underground water source at a new Androon Cheshmai located in a nullah of Cheshmai ( Dhand Saghri). Although the source is of limited yield, yet it slowly flows throughout the year , the water is sweet and available at surface requiring limited drilling only. However ponding arrangements shall be required in addition before uplifting to main reservoir. Since the site is located at a lower ground, therefore it requires uplifting  of water by about 600 feet and then distribute it by gravity to villages of Androon Cheshmai, Cheshmai Bala, Lashkari Banda, Talub Khel, Mera Khel, Rehman Abad, Maluk Khel, Tarkipal and adjoining hutments in the area. It is aimed at alleviating the sufferings of over 6000 needy people in these villages.
2.      The Scheme.  The scheme consists of following projects:
a.      Resistivity Survey of proposed site.
b.      Installation of diesel Tube Well.
c.       Lifting of water to main reservoir and further distribution by gravity to sub-reservoirs.
3.      Resistivity Survey. By working on the earth surface it is possible to some extent to estimate where ground water occurs. Investigation of ground water from the surface is not 100 % successful; however such methods are normally less costly as developed in the last 30 years and have been proved useful for locating and analyzing ground water. In this particular case it is necessary to investigate subsurface porous zones to determine the most suitable site for sinking the proposed tube well. It normally costs Rs. 25000/- per single job.__________A
4.      Installation of Diesel Tube Well.  Owing to non-availability of Pesco electricity in the area, the installation of diesel tube well has been proposed. The detailed estimates of its cost, capacity 180 gpm, is as under:
a.      Mobilization of Plant :                                                                                  Rs. 25000.00 LS.
b.      Drilling Charges of 15” Dia bore 200 feet @ Rs. 600/ft:                         Rs. 120000.00
c.       Cost of 136’ MS Blind Pipe 10” dia @ Rs.500/ft :                                    Rs. 68000.00
d.      Cost of 64’ MS Screen 10” Dia @ Rs.550/ft :                                            Rs.35200.00
e.      Cost of Bail Plug and L/Cap :                                                                        Rs.1000.00
f.        Gravel packing of 200’ bore @ Rs.80/ft :                                                   Rs. 16000.00
g.      Lowering Charges @ Rs.40/ft :                                                                     Rs. 8000.00
h.      Cost of locally made Turbine Pump of capacity 180 gpm Head 200’:   Rs. 120000.00
i.        Cost of 4” Booster Pump of 675’ head multi stage(locally made)    :    Rs.45000.00
j.        Cost of Diesel Engine New                                                                       :    Rs.1,50,000.00
k.      Cost of pullies, counter shaft and fitting charges                                :    Rs. 20,000.00
                                                            Total                                           :    Rs. 7,58,200.00__B
5.       Lifting of Water to Main Reservoir and Further Distribution.  To calculate total dynamic head it is necessary to first calculate friction losses:
a.      Friction losses in 4” steel pipe =                                                 1.86 ft per 100 ft.
b.      Friction losses in 4” dia 90 deg flanged bend =                        5.9 ft per bend.
c.       Friction losses in 4” dia 45 deg flanged bend =                        3.5 ft per bend.
d.      Friction losse4s in 4” dia flanged Tee =                                      2.8 ft per Tee.
e.      Vertical head =                                                                               600 ft.
f.        Friction losses in 600’ pipe 4” dia=  6x1.86 =                           11.16 ft.
g.      Friction losses in 4 Nos 90 deg bend=  4x5.9=                         23.6 ft.
h.      Friction losses of 5 Nos 45 deg bend = 5x3.5=                        17.5 ft
i.        Friction losses of 1 no tee 4” dia =1x2.8=                                2.8 ft.
j.        Velocity head =                                                                             20 ft.
k.      Total dynamic head= 600+11.16+23.6+17.5+2.8+20 =        675.06 Say   675 Ft.
6.      Pumps Specifications
a.      Turbine Pump
(1)   Pump Size 4 “, Pump setting 100 Ft.
(2)   Discharge of Pump = 180 gpm.
(3)   Head = 200 ft.
(4)   Efficiency of Pump = 40.5 %.
(5)   HP_   Qh_   = 180x200x100   = 22.4         Say  23 HP.
                3960      3960 x 40.5
b.      Booster Pump
(1)   Pump Size 4’.
(2)   Discharge = 180 gpm.
(3)   Head = 675 ft.
(4)   HP_     Qh_  =  180x675 x 100    =  47.2   Say 48 HP.
            3960     3960           65
7.      Engine Specifications
a.      Type : High Speed Diesel Engine (New).
b.      Cooling System:  Water cooled.
c.       Clutch assembly duly completed.
d.      HP of Engine: Turbine Pump HP= 23
                        Booster Pump HP = 48
                       Mechanical losses = 9____
                       Total :                       = 80 HP.
8.      Area Wise Water Requirement. Besides one main reservoir, three sub-reservoirs shall be built in different population centers each away by about 1 to 3 km from the main reservoir. These sub-reservoirs shall get the water through gravity with 4” dia and 3”dia steel pipes. The local people will get water through their own means from these sub-reservoirs. Pipe connection to each house in these villages shall be arranged through a separate project later.
a.      No of houses in Area 1 :                                                                          200
b.      No of houses in Area 2 :                                                                          200
c.       No of houses in Area 3 :                                                                          400
d.      No of family members per house :                                                        7
e.      Consumption of water per head:                                                           7 USG per day.
f.        Water required per house : 7x7=                                                           49 gpd.
g.      Water required by animals: Dry cow= 12 gpd x 1 No=                       12 gpd.
                                             Milk producing cow= 20 gpd x 2 Nos=     40 gpd.
                                             Goat/ sheep = 2 gpd x 10 Nos=                 20 gpd.
                                                                                      Total ;                   72 gpd.
h.      Misc requirements per house:                                                              10 gpd.
i.        Total requirement per house: 49+72+10=                                          131 gpd.
j.        Total requirement in each area:
a.      Area 1 : 200 houses x 131 = 26200 gpd.
b.      Area 2 : 200 houses x 131 = 26200 gpd.
c.       Area 3 : 400 houses x 131 = 52400 gpd.
d.      Total in the project area :    1,04,800 gpd.
9.      Sizes of Reservoirs.
a.      Main Reservoir : 14’ x 14’ x 8’ = 1568 Cu ft=1568 x 7.5 =             11760 gallons.
b.      Reservoir 1 :  12’ x 12 ‘x 8’ = 1152 Cu Ft = 1152 x 7.5 =                 8640 gallons.
c.       Reservoir 2 :  12’ x 12’ x 8’ = 1152 Cu Ft = 1152 x 7.5 =                 8640 gallons.
d.      Reservoir 3 :  14’ x 14’ x 8’ = 1568 Cu Ft = 1568 x 7.5 =                 11760 gallons.
10.  Cost of Reservoirs and Engine Room:
a.      Main Reservoir/Pond = Rs 35000.00
b.      Reservoir 1  =                  Rs. 25000.00
c.       Reservoir 2  =                  Rs. 25000.00
d.       Reservoir 3  =                 Rs. 35000.00
e.      Engine Room=                Rs. 15000.00
(10’ x 10’ x 8’)___________________                                 
Total  :                 Rs.  1, 35, 000.00_________C
11.  Cost of Pipe Lining with Accessories.
a.      Supply and fixing 2 No Pressure Gauge @Rs.500/- each:                               Rs. 1000.00
b.      Supply and fixing Tee 4”dia @ Rs.1200/-, 2 Nos:                                             Rs. 2400.00
c.       Supply and fixing Flanged  Bend 4”—90 Deg 6 Nos @ Rs. 1100/- each:      Rs. 6600.00
d.      Supply and fixing Flanged Bend 4”, 45 Deg, 5 Nos @ Rs.900/-each:            Rs.4500.00
e.      Supply and fixing Gate Valve 4”, 2 Nos @ Rs.5796/- each:                            Rs.11592.00
f.        Supply and fixing Gate Valve 3”, 2 Nos @ Rs.3276/- each :                           Rs. 6552.00
g.      Supply and fixing Tee 3” Dia 2 Nos @ Rs. 850/- each :                                   Rs.1700.00
h.      Supply and fixing Reducer 4 x 3 @Rs.300/- :                                                    Rs. 300.00
i.        Supply and fixing Bend 3” Dia 4 Nos @ Rs. 850/- each :                                Rs. 3400.00
j.        Supply and fixing GI Pipe 4” Dia 600+5280+5880 Ft @ Rs.250/- ft :      Rs. 1470000.00
k.       Supply and fixing GI Pipe 3” Dia 5280+5280=10560 Ft @ Rs.169/- ft:   Rs.1784640.00
                                                                                 Total:               Rs. 33,33,684.00______D
12.  Total Cost of the Scheme
a.      Resistivity Survey :                                                Rs. 25000.00 __________  A
b.      Installation of tube well :                                     Rs. 7,58,200.00_________ B
c.       Construction of reservoirs                                   Rs. 1,35,000.00 _________ C
d.      Pipe Lining                                                               Rs. 33,33,684.00_________D
                                                         Total :              Rs. 42,51,884.00
e.      10 % escalation charges+ Contingency:            Rs. 425188.00
                                                          G. Total:          Rs. 46,77,072.00 Say Rs. 4.7 M

Prepared By:  Hydro Traders, Circular Road, Yakatoot , Peshawar
                       Ph: 0300-5984982.

Date: 24. 4. 2009                                                   Signature _______________________
                                                                                  Mr. Mahmood Khan
                                                                                  Drilling Engineer(Retired)
                                                                                  Agriculture Engineering Department
                                                                                  Government of NWFP Peshawar.


To:    Mr. Syed Naveed Qamar,
          Minister for Pertroluem and Natural Resources,


It is humbly submitted that about 0.15 Million population of Shakardara–Rehmanabad is severely suffering from poverty for the last six decades. There are no civic facilities in the area. No potable water, no standard education, no health facilities, no electricity, no gas, no roads no sources of any income or employment—in fact they still live in Stone Age. More than 60% people live below poverty line. The only source of water is River Indus which touchingly flows in the area. People fetch water from this River using their camels and donkeys by traveling for 07 km on way. They have remained deprived for a long time now. The situation is really desperate, which requires our immediate attention please.

The people have been repeatedly requesting for Mega Development Schemes including a Mega Water Supply Scheme from River Indus. The Province of NWFP could not meet their demand due to financial constraints . The people even resorted to very violent demonstrations during July, 2009 against Chanda  and Mela Oilfileds of OGDCL. Resultantly, the said gas fields could not function for a number of days till the situation was retrieved by Dr. Asim by meeting the delegation of Saghri Khattaks from Shakardara on 17 July 2009 and making some financial commitments . I was my self present during that meeting. The minutes of the said meeting are attached please.

The most important commitment was the planning and execution of a Mega Water Supply Scheme for Shakardara. Since then, the ground

survey has been completed and detailed design of the scheme has been prepared. It is now awaiting final approval by OGDCL Board / Ministry. The estimated cost is likely to be Rs. 500.00 Millions.
You are therefore requested to approve Rs. 500.00 Millions for the project and direct OGDCL to execute it at top priority please.

This scheme is like a life line for the people of Shakardara and Rehmanabad. They shall be ever obliged to you and the Govt: of PPP for this very great favor to them. A delegation of elders and community leaders of Saghri Khattaks from this area also wish to meet you in Islamabad on any date of your convenience for explaining to you their problems in greater details. You are requested to grant them the requested audience at the earliest please. The names of members of the delegation are attached herewith.

Assuring you of our fullest cooperation and best regards.

        Yours Sincerely,

                                                                                  Pir Dilawar Shah,
                                                          MNA District Kohat.

Attached:   (1) Minutes of the Meeting.

                   (2) Names of the Members of Delegation.                          

Brig Muhammad Ali (Retd) Mobile: 0300-9332222, Landline: 091-9213128

Brig Muhammad Ali (Retd)
Mobile: 0300-9332222, Landline: 091-9213128

·         To strive as diligently and competently as possible in making useful contribution for the betterment of Society in the remaining period of my useful life.
·         To bring about a revolutionary change in education by creating a schooling environment where the personality of the child is developed through the training of child’s intellectual, cognitive, spiritual, scientific, social and physical faculties so that he/she may become a balanced personality through a holistic approach of learning and grooming.
·         Plan to realize the dream of seeing the child becoming a competent and an obedient son/daughter, a successful parent, a popular national/world leader, or an esteemed scientist, or a well known medical practitioner, or a progressive agriculturist, or a leading business person, or a passionate educator, an effective preacher, or a dynamic manager and a role model in any sphere of life for all others to follow in any other positive and socially acceptable human activity. Education is my passion indeed.

·         To bring about efficiency, competency and discipline in the management / operation of a set up/organization for enabling it to achieve the objectives set for its existence.

             Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd.

Resident Manager

March 2004 till May 2009

FFC Plant 3, Mirpur Mathelo, Distt Ghotki (Sindh)

·         Administration and Management covering the following aspects in particular:
All HR Matters including hire/fire, appraisals, promotions, postings, discipline,
    retirement, salaries etc.
All Education Matters including running of two FFC Schools inside the premises of the
    Residential Colony.
All Health Care Matters including running of a full-fledged hospital, referral cases,
    evacuation etc.
All Accommodation Matters including running a residential colony of about 500
    families of all ranks.
All Security and Protection Issues including static and mobile security in a hostile
All Welfare Activities for the Employees including management of civic facilities and
All Public Relation Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility Issues including creation
    and operation of big institutions for locals like a School, a hospital and a Coronary
    Care Unit at Mirpur Mathelo.

Deputy Director General
July 2001 till November 2002

National Accountability Bureau, NWFP

·         To investigate all corruption cases overtly by searching and obtaining all possible records/documents on demand of the Prosecution Branch of NAB.
·         To prepare Investigation Reports for perusal by the DG NAB.
·         To arrest and keep the accused persons under custody as ordered by the Accountability Courts.

       Pakistan Army
June 1969 till Dec 1999



Academic Qualification

Staff Course
Indonesian Language Course
Foreign Staff Course Indonesia
Transitional Leadership
Program for Development Managers
Govt Degree College Kohat
Command and Staff College, Quetta
Language Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia
SESKOAD, Bandung, Indonesia
National Defense University, Islamabad
LUMS Lahore
Asian Institute of Management, Manila


Computer Skills


Office Automation Course (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, MS Windows, Internet Applications)


English, Urdu, Punjabi, Pushto, Bahasa Indonesia,  


Personal Details


Full Name

Brig Muhammad Ali (RETD)

Father’s Name

Haider Ali
Date of Birth.
4th April 1949
Marital status


Peshawar (N.W.F.P)
Permanent Address
8- Army Colony, Warsak Road, Peshawar Cantt.

References will be provided on demand please.

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