Science, and Globalization
Updated on Thursday, 08 February 2007 11:07 by Fethullah Gülen Tuesday, 31
December 2002 21:00
Existence, which exists solely for
humanity, was created in order to bear fruit for all people. Earth was
decorated for humanity, just as the sky serves as a dome and the sun as a torch
to light up this world. All of creation, except for humanity, fulfills its
functions perfectly, and all realms beyond humanity's reach depict an absolute
serenity, peace, and joy. A sense of serenity overrides the ceaseless motion
despite the countless objects in space, and no disorder or confusion can be
seen among them. Even though humanity has been given emotions, a mind, and a
conscience, people are still capable of causing discord in the midst of this
universal peace and harmony. Since humanity bears the consequences of its
destructive impact more than any other species, all people should join this
harmony with their will power, discover the underlying reasons behind this
peace and serenity, and act accordingly.
Yes, we are responsible for
fulfilling the duties of being human. If, as believers, we trust that we are on
the right path and perform our tasks accordingly, there is no need to worry.
Since a life dedicated to faith, worship, and serving humanity is exempt from
material and status gain, these duties cannot be affected by conflict and
political confrontation.
In fact, people may have different
thoughts and behaviors due their human nature. But the responsibilities of
being God's servant keep them from going astray. Since the path and its
requirements are determined, the goal is known: to observe everything as a sign
of Divine Wisdom, search for the Divine reasons behind events, and draw lessons
from them. Just as physics, chemistry, astronomy, astrophysics, and biology-all
titles of God's creation in the universe-have laws, history also has laws. God
has made these laws known to us through His Prophets and Books. Thus, every
event is a message from Him, a light on our path, a source of excitement in our
Consequences of Technological Advancement
Since the Renaissance, humanity has
designed amazing innovations in science and technology. Especially in our age,
information technology and transportation have advanced to incomprehensible
speeds. This is an age of speed. For some, the time between happiness/comfort
and thought/action decreases as distances shrink. They reach the targets
promptly or are unexpectedly prevented from doing so. Perhaps in the future we
will confront a world in which events occur too quickly. We cannot comprehend
the advantages and disadvantages of such a world, and for now they are topics
for science fiction movies and books. Yet we have to admit that such
possibilities make us shiver, even though we have total trust in God and His
Science and
We must praise scientific research,
the wonders of civilization, and the outcomes of technological innovation.
However, could speed and globalization, the product of so much effort and
intellectual striving, be made to serve a higher goal? Could time and space, as
they are squeezed more and more everyday, serve a loftier purpose? Or have they
become ends and goals in and of themselves, serving the material betterment of
the patent-holders? If finding out the most secret things and knowing about
every single town in the world has priority over our moral values and needs,
would not a world without these advancements, but one in which people would be
far happier, be more desirable?
Although science and technology have
never been humanity's first need, it is wrong to reject them in favor of some
idealistic philosophies. At most, doing so would be a utopian rejection. What
is important here is who controls science and technology and what goals they
are serving. In the hands of a few irresponsible individuals, science might
make the world into a hell, whereas no one has ever been hurt from a gun in the
hands of an angel. Science and technology are desirable as long as they serve
human values, bring peace and happiness, contribute to international harmony,
and help solve humanity's material and spiritual problems. If they move away from
these goals and serve the interests of a few people, the world is better off
without them.
Science and technology have to be
evaluated from this perspective. What is science serving in our day? Relations
between individuals and states, mutual respect, love, truth, and understanding;
deception, corruption, slander, seeking others' faults, and invading one's
privacy; or capital and the powerful?
If science and technology serve
negative values, they will cause a global nightmare. If globalization is based
on these values, than one-fourth of the world's population will continue to
lack drinkable water, the spread of AIDS will increase, health services will
become an industrial sector, and global pollution will worsen. A significant
part of the world's population will continue to be deprived of democratic
rights, and widespread terrorism will prevail.
of Social Life
The fundamentals of social life
consist of four aspects: religion, law, moral values, and power.
Religion: A person or
a society without a religion cannot survive long or benefit others.
Essentially, religion is a phenomenon that is determined independent of us and
has been made part of our lives. Therefore, it is a crucial element that
provides for our material and spiritual needs and shapes our personal and
family lives.
Even if we were perfect,
uncontrollable elements would still shape our lives. For instance, the time and
place of our birth and death are determined. We have no say in choosing our
parents and siblings, place of birth and childhood, language, race, and
physical features. Our body functions without our will, for we cannot control
even our becoming hungry, thirsty or sleepy. We do not determine our essential
needs and the way to acquire them. Our input in such daily functions as eating
and drinking consists only of working to obtain and then eat the food.
Regardless of what we wish, we are surrounded by binding conditions.
Laws: Religion
also has an important role in determining the laws that shape our lives. Since
laws are not goals in themselves, they are valuable only to the extent that
they serve individuals and society. In order to have a healthy society,
therefore, laws should not contradict nature and the laws of creation. They
also should take into consideration the nation's religion, history, sociology,
anthropology, as well as the natural laws of physics and chemistry, for law is
not an independent science but one that encompasses everything. If this were
not the case, the laws would not match the nation's essentials and therefore
would be more detrimental than beneficial.
When drafting laws, it is crucial to
know humanity perfectly, consider people's fundamental nature, understand their
needs and search for ways to meet them, and to analyze interpersonal relations
and society-member dynamics. While power has a role to play in law enforcement,
religion's role is also significant. Religion is defined as having faith in the
existence of a Supreme Being who is constantly aware of our actions, intentions,
and thoughts. Thus, religion teaches us that even if we manage to bypass the
law and escape punishment in this life, we will be called to account for all of
our acts in the afterlife.
values: Religion and the moral values that construct its
basis have been universally accepted throughout history and are independent of
time and place. The impact of moral values on an individual depends upon one's
religious beliefs and how they are lived. In addition, they play a significant
role in educating people, enforcing the law, and obtaining the desired effects.
The possible argument that religion and moral values have no place in developed
societies is mistaken, for people in many developed countries are highly
dedicated to their religions.
Despite the more than 200 years of
corruption in religious values worldwide, people are once again turning toward
religion. In many developed countries, leaders are religious even though the
population might be ignorant of religious values. Even though these countries
are secular, there has never been an attempt to take advantage of religion for
individual or social life or to control it. Furthermore, religion has a say in
domestic and foreign policies. For example, we can see religion's influence
upon their criminal codes.
Even Western historians state that
Christianity is the most important element in shaping the West's modern social
structure. According to them, Christianity has always played a crucial role in
determining laws, religious holidays, public prayers, and many other aspects of
social and political life.
Power: This is a
very important aspect of social life, for laws cannot be enforced, and internal
and external security cannot be established, without it. But power is not-and
should not be-a goal in itself. It is valuable only as long as it serves the
law, justice, and righteousness.
Humanity still faces a long-standing
problem: What to do when individuality overrides all values, racism overpowers
universal principles, and settling international disputes is decided by power.
We cannot talk about rationality and justice when problems are addressed only
with sheer power. Power is a potential strength that might help solve some
problems if used rationally. If power is driven by emotions, it is a harmful
instrument. What made Alexander the Great feel dizzy, destroyed Napoleon's
genius, and made Hitler such a monster was the insanity of replacing justice
with power. It seems that our present troubles will continue until the powerful
decide to adhere to justice and the people will judge with justice while moving
beyond their daily concerns.
Fountain, January-March 2003, Issue 41
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