

Chapter 28 GUIDANCE NEEDS AND PROBLEMS OF YOUNG PEOPLE The Chapter at a Glance Home-centered problems. School-centered problems. Community-centered problems. An adequate guidance program.           In order to succeed in administering guidance to young people one must know their life and the nature and extent of the problems for which they need guidance. The main problems which usually confront children during their everyday life can be classified into the following three categories:--            (a) Home-centered problems,           (b) School-centered problems, and           (c) Community-centered problems. Home-Centered Problems           The various needs and problems of children which centre round their home life are as follows:— (a)          Biological needs and related problems, (b)          Psychological needs and related problems, and (c)           Social needs and related problems. Biological Needs and Problems           At birth th


  Chapter 27 KINDS OF GUIDANCE The Chapter at a Glance Educational guidance. Vocational guidance. Social guidance. A comprehensive guidance program.             Guidance is such a comprehensive concept that it covers practically the whole range of one's life. Perhaps there is no aspect of life in which adequate guidance may not be of in­valuable assistance to the individual.             The main spheres, however, regarding which guidance is mostly needed by the growing child are the following:—             (1) Educational,             (2) Vocational, and             (3) Social.             It may be noted that elaborate research and specialized field work have been and are being conducted in all the three above-mentioned kinds of guidance all over the world. Educational Guidance             Educational guidance offers all possible kinds of help that a child may need regarding his academic problems. It enables him to understand his abilities


Chapter 26 HISTORY OF THE GUIDANCE MOVEMENT The Chapter at a Glance Pre-modern guidance techniques. Beginning of modern scientific guidance. Historical developments in various countries.           Guidance appears to be as old as the human race itself. The concept of guidance is deep-seated in the minds of mankind. The guidance programs of the ancient Greeks and Romans, apprenticeship in the middle ages, discipleship among the ancient Muslims and Hindus all suggest that guidance is not at all recent in origin.           Since the days of Adam (AHS) and Hawa, mankind has been keenly alive to the necessity for helping and guiding one another. The need to guide children has been very acutely felt during all stages of human history. In the contemporary age such a realization has probably reached its apex. Pre-Modern Guidance Techniques           Scientific or psychological guidance, however, is of very recent origin. In older to understand this fact let us take