

Chapter 17 SPECIAL EDUCATION EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN The Chapter at a Glance The Exceptional Child. Significance of Special Children. Problems of Special Education. Types of Exceptional children. Equality of educational opportunity.             Some of the prominent categories of exceptional children and the problems associated with their education are to be discussed in the following chapters. An attempt has throughout been made to analyze the dynamics of thought and behavior characteristic of the exceptional child. Specific abilities and handicaps of these children have been highlighted. Practical suggestions have been offered to teachers and parents. It is hoped that these will enable them to meet the educational re­quirements of exceptional children more adequately and more efficiently. The Exceptional Child             Individuals differ immensely from one another in many aspects. Modern psychology reveals that such individual differences manifest the


Chapter 16 LEARNING BY DOING AND PLAYING The Chapter at a Glance Failure of the contemporary education. Play-way in education. The Montessori Method. The Dramatic method. The Project method. The Dalton plan. The Heuristic method. Guiding and scouting. A comprehensive play-way plan. One of the fundamental aims of all education is the proper development of the learner's individuality. A balanced and well-planned education imparts not only factual knowledge to the learners but also seeks to promote creativity, freshness, in­itiative, leadership, fellow-feeling, cooperativeness and similar other traits and qualities in them which are indispensable for healthy and efficient living. Failure of the Contemporary Education Our present system of education which the Commission on National Education purports to revolutionize, fails to develop these desirable traits among the students. Our educational system is predominantly bookish. It produces book-ri