
Universal Mercy and Education

Universal Mercy and Education The adage nowadays is that we all need love. So many people are talking about this. Islam teaches us that God's act of creating humanity was an act of mercy and compassion. Compassion represents the love between parents and children as well as that between children and parents. However, universal love can best be seen through all elements of the universe working together with each other for the benefit of all life. Humanists proclaim that their philosophy is founded upon love. However, humanism does not encompass specific ethical values, is based upon personal interest or bias, and is far down the continuum toward insincerity. Humanism is abstract, out of balance, and sometimes appears to be working on the behalf of particular nations, languages, and belief systems. In reality, Prophets were ideal examples of love and mercy, for their approach to love and mercy was based on being balanced in this life and the Hereafter. Muhammad, the final Prop


Universal Academy These are Educomp's budget schools targeted at semi-urban towns. Schools in Bajpur, Kashipur, and Gadarpur have been functional since 2009. New schools are being launched at Dehradun, Bhubaneswar, Nuh, Nai Nengla and Ferozepur Jhirka for session 2010-2011. Universal Academy brings with it the result of 5000 man days of research about the needs of students, their aspirations, expectations and limitations, their environment and backgrounds. This Universal Academy learning system focuses specifically to students’ individual needs and aspirations while at the same time propelling them into the mainstream. It brings about a systematic change in the classroom scenario from earlier patterns of rote learning to one where learning is directed through fun-filled activities and exercises. Universal Academy vision is "To provide a stimulating environment that maximises individual potential and ensures that students are well equipped to meet the challenges of ed

Toward Tomorrow

Toward Tomorrow The Islamic world continues to squirm in the vicious grasp of error, unable to turn to its own spirit and essence for succor. Two steps forward lead to several steps backwards being taken and then one gets lost. As a result, our world has deteriorated beyond recovery, and the wheels of states and nations turn against their own selves. Therefore, we must work within the Islamic world with its understanding of faith; its own acceptance and interpretation of Islam; its consciousness of the good; its zeal and yearning for spiritual ecstasy; its reason, logic, mode and system of thinking; its style of expressing and communicating itself; and its own institutions, which will lead to a comprehensive renewal. The fundamentals of our spiritual life, religious thought and imagination are responsible for our past success. Religion gives meaning to humanity and the universe, explains us to ourselves, and embraces and influences every aspect of our individual and collective

The World and its Contents from the Perspective of a Believer

The World and its Contents from the Perspective of a Believer This world is a wonderful vessel for humankind, floating in this vast universe, the place that we exist and feel our existence. It is also a warm dwelling, surrounded by magnificent animate and inanimate ornaments, a library that contains millions and billions of books written in many different languages, in which we know our Creator. This home is warmer than the rooms filled with the warmth of the passion of our mothers, safer and softer than the cradles that they rock with lullabies. With its gardens that are projections of Paradise, and its ornaments that make it possible to observe the unseen for those who are capable, this world is a mobile observatory. This world is a unique place that exhibits the essence, meaning and material of the cosmos; a rich page that contains various examples of creatures and events; a pleasant habitat for human beings and Jinn (a species of invisible beings mentioned in the Qur'

The Way of Revival of Hope

The Way of Revival of Hope -1 By: Brig (Retired) Muhammad Ali, (Late) Our beloved Pakistan is going away right before our eyes. It is sliding into worst anarchy and lawlessness followed by possible disintegration. Our present political leaders including President Zardari, Prime Minister Gilani, all Governors, all Chief Ministers, all ministers, all public representatives and all so-called opposition leaders, like “Nero” of Rome, are oblivious of the devastating developments in the country. They have publically demonstrated during last two and a half years that they are the most incompetent, most corrupt and characterless persons. Because of them we are sliding down morally, socially, politically, economically and militarily with great speed. The situation is fast approaching to a point of no return. Pakistan is far left behind in the comity of Nations. These leaders have miserably failed us so far. They are left with no moral right and intellectual capacity to think and act p