
"Beauty and the Beautiful"

Beauty and the Beautiful Beauty elevates our hearts, awakens our souls with sweet excitement and appreciation, and then becomes the esthetic of our inner self. This hard-to-describe phenomenon, this sense that is present in our most joyous moments, is beauty. Even though this definition might seem too narrow, it is one interpretation. There have been elaborate interpretations on the notion of beauty from the point of view of esthetics. The focus now shifts on the relation of beauty with existence, nature, and human beings, or even beyond nature.  The meanings of beauty need to be redefined all together in order to be properly appreciated. Even though this has been done many times by masters of esthetics, we will try to explain our understanding of beauty in the context of our philosophy and belief, where every beautiful object is a mirror image or a reflection of Divine Beauty. Furthermore, anything that incites appreciation, love, and astonishment is seen as a reflection of Divi

America sees "East Jerusalem's" Western Wall as "part of Israel"

America sees east Jerusalem western wall as part of Israel WASHINGTON (Monitoring Desk): The US expects the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City will be part of Israel, a Senior Trump Administration official said Friday as Vice President Mike Pence prepares to visit the region. "I think we can't envision a scenario under which the Western Wall would  not be part of Israel," the official told reporters on condition of anonymity. "But as the president said, the specific boundaries of sovereignty of Israel are going to be part of the final status agreement."The Western Wall is in East Jerusalem that was seized by Israel in 1967. Palestinians are seeking East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, and the US has never recognized Israel's sovereignty over lands it captured in the Arab Israeli War. tensions have reached a fever pitch following President Donald Trump decision earlier this month to recognize the contested city of Jerusalem as Israel c

Anniversary of "Army Public School Peshawar" (APS) attack observed across the Country

Anniversary of APS attack observed across the country. F.P. Report ISLAMABAD: The third anniversary of a deadly school attack in the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that claimed the lives of over 140 people, mostly schoolchildren. Observed across the country on Saturday. The main observance was held at Peshawar's "Army Public School (APS)" with the attendance of the parents of all the victims and Pakistan army officers, but there are several memorial events nationwide. Events were also organized across the country to mark the day. Portraits of the victims were on display at the school and along the roads of Peshawar pay tribute to the slain children and their teachers. On this day in 2014, six terrorists stormed the school and martyred 147 students and teachers. The Forces promptly responded to the attack and killed all the terrorists. A function in connection with the third anniversary of terrorist attack on "Army Public School Peshawar" was he

"Aims and Objectives of Syllabi"

E NGLISH S YLLABUS 1. POSTITION STATEMENT “The Most Gracious (Allah) has taught (us) the Qur’aan.  He has created man, (and) has taught him speech”  Qur’aan : Sura Rahman (55: 1-4) 1.1 CONTEXT English is an international language these days. Its learning is necessary for those who wish to have access to the sources of modern material and social sciences of the West. Our teachers/professors, students especially those proceeding abroad for specialization/up-gradation in various disciplines, or later even conducting business activities and diplomacy at international level must be sufficiently proficient in this language. There are a significant number of Muslim minority communities living in English-speaking countries across the globe belonging to almost all the Muslim countries. Given the importance of the first language in shaping values and attitudes in young minds, the goals, aims and syllabus content of English First Language for modern schools in an Isla