The Way of
Revival of Hope -1
By: Brig
(Retired) Muhammad Ali, (Late)
Our beloved Pakistan is going away right before our eyes. It is
sliding into worst anarchy and lawlessness followed by possible disintegration.
Our present political leaders including President Zardari, Prime Minister
Gilani, all Governors, all Chief Ministers, all ministers, all public
representatives and all so-called opposition leaders, like “Nero” of Rome, are
oblivious of the devastating developments in the country. They have publically
demonstrated during last two and a half years that they are the most
incompetent, most corrupt and characterless persons. Because of them we are
sliding down morally, socially, politically, economically and militarily with
great speed. The situation is fast approaching to a point of no return.
Pakistan is far left behind in the comity of Nations. These leaders have
miserably failed us so far. They are left with no moral right and intellectual
capacity to think and act positively. They cannot get out of the quagmire of
their personal vested interests. Their only concern is to protect their chairs
at any cost and to do the maximum looting. They have finally lost credibility
and trust of every one on this planet. They hardly have any regard for
Deen-e-Islam, the rule of law, justice and fair play, merit, welfare of people
and future of Pakistan. They are the most selfish, secular and materialistic
parasites in all respects. They are the main cause of big ‘Fasadd’ in Pakistan.
They must go away immediately to save Pakistan and its people.
There is no one visible in the Country to challenge these
characterless, corrupt and inept leaders. All those who matter including the
Armed Forces, the Judiciary, the traders, the industrialists, the ‘Waderas’, ‘Jagirdars’
and quite a number of simple Pakistanis are also fully supporting these leaders
in the name of Democracy and Constitution even at the possible sad demise of
Pakistan. Media is the only institution playing some positive role. Common
people are left with no alternate credible leaders to lead them against this
totally unjust and tyrannical system. It is our collective failure indeed.
Allah Almighty also does not seem to be happy with us because of our collective
misdeeds since 1947. Look! What have we done to His most sacred gifts, i.e.
Islam and Independent Pakistan? Pakistan came into being just like our Prophet
(SAWS) and his ‘Sahaba’ migrated from Mecca to Medina where they were safer,
economically better and where they could create the first ever Ideological
State based on pure Islam on surface of the earth. Allah says in Quran: “Recall
to mind that time when you were few in number and were regarded weak in the
land, and were fearful lest the people should do away with you: then Allah
provided you with a place of refuge, strengthened you with His succor and
bestowed pure and good provisions upon you so that you may be grateful (Anfal:
26)”. Have we Pakistanis been grateful to Him? Have we been obeying Allah and
His Messenger (SAWS) as promised to Him during Tehrik-e-Pakistan? Certainly
not, we should suffer for our misdeeds then.
The Quran says again: “Allah cites the instance of a habitation: it
was enjoying a life of peace and security and was receiving its provisions in
abundance from every quarter. But when it began to show ingratitude towards the
favor of Allah, he made its inhabitants taste the consequences of their doings,
and inflicted misfortunes of hunger and fear on them(Annahal-112)”. Both these
quotations from the Holy Quran are squarely applied on Pakistan. The current
worst flood of our history is a clear indication of this. The loss of East
Pakistan was the first, the earth quake of 2005 was the second, the menace of
war on terror and criminal Talibans was the third(still continuing) and this
catastrophic flood appears to be the fourth warning to reform ourselves,
failing which the last and final deciding strike may still be coming(God
forbid). I think the time has come to go back to Islam sincerely and in all
respects. Hypocrisy will not work anymore. Enough is enough. The latest
in-action, injustices, in-effectiveness and callous attitude of our secular
rulers to reach out to flood affectees in time has reinforced the already
existing hatred against them. Frustration followed by aggressiveness among the
public against the present government is growing to a very dangerous level and
it may take any worst and uncontrolled form at any time. We have no other
option but to obey Allah Almighty and His Prophet (SAWS) for our very survival
and ultimate success as Muslims.
Our worst enemies including India, USA, Israel, UK and present
puppet Government of Afghanistan are ruthlessly following their agenda of
destabilizing Pakistan, taking away our nuclear assets by whatever means
possible and then eliminating us from the world-map through well-planned
conspiracy. Our closest arch rival India, supported by all other foreign powers
including some strong nationalist and pro-Indian elements within Pakistan, is
actively conducting war of terror against us. The terrorists are recruited,
trained, well-paid, equipped and then launched here for destroying
well-selected targets inside Pakistan by India; it speaks of a well planned
military operation launched through terrorists and insurgents under a unified
command inside Afghanistan which is a fact. The government, the Honorable Chief
Justice of Supreme Court, The COAS Pak Army, and heads of all other national
institutions must be knowing all these facts already. Besides all our
intelligence as well as law enforcement agencies, this fact is known to even
common people, but no one in the Government (both federal and provincial) has
the guts to openly condemn it by taking the name of India and USA, raise voice
in the international community against them and then take actions to oppose it
effectively. Pak Army is also quiet on this issue quite strangely. Who are we
afraid of? Americans? Indians? It is really a shame. Much poorer, smaller and
militarily weaker nations have taken bold stand on their sovereignty and honor
openly challenging Americans. Nothing has happened to them, they are still
living with honor. Where do we stand?
Why are we their slaves? These are all signs of our serious character
weakness and withering away from within; the process is being actively
supported by our other enemies from within and without. Why are we so coward
and scared? Why are we quiet? Why are we committing suicide as a Nation?
Mr. Iftikhar M. Chaudhry and General A. P. Kayani are leading the
most vital national institutions at the worst moment of our history. The Media is playing an independent and partly
positive role for the first time. This is in fact the moment of trial for the
three institutions and for all of us.
The government has collapsed miserably. The present political leaders
including those in the opposition are incapable of taking us out of this mess.
The people of Pakistan are now looking towards these three institutions for
their rescue i.e. the Superior Judiciary, the Pak Army and the Media of
Pakistan. Making or breaking this blessed country (the she-camel of Hazrat
Shoaib AHS) is hanging in the balance. Pakistanis have reposed full confidence
in the CJ and the COAS Pak Army. The irony is that not only all the three are
on different intellectual levels but also not in complete harmony with people’s
aspirations and needs___ hence there is no meeting point for the people to
respond to. The Chief Justice of Pakistan, however, has the master key to
unlock the prevailing Satanic lock because only he has the requisite legal and
constitutional powers to direct all others.
We are losing Pakistan, still available this opportunity for saving
Pakistan and reviving Hope must be seized by all those who matter. There is
urgent requirement of resetting the direction of this Great Muslim Nation
towards development and real success. This opportunity may never come again in
our life time. Must we continue supporting and protecting these corrupt as well
as inept leaders at the cost of our great country for another 2.5 years?
Upholding the Constitution of Pakistan by us is very good, but honoring and supporting
the corrupt parliament or the corrupt government not acting in accordance with
the Constitution and laws of the land means nothing at all when Pakistan may
not be there on ground at the end. The State is more important than the
Government; we can never sacrifice State of Pakistan for our corrupt and inept
rulers. These are not just my emotional feelings or rhetorical expressions
worth ignoring. I am referring to a hard reality without mincing words and
without even an iota of fear of any consequences (God forbid). This is the time
to speak the truth for all of us. You may please accept it or reject it
altogether. History will judge all of us by our actions or in-actions from now
onwards, Allah shall certainly hold all of us accountable in both the worlds
for our actions and in-actions. (to continue)
The Way of
Revival of Hope -2
Before I propose certain actions for consideration of all
Pakistanis, please permit me to highlight our major problems so that we can
attend to these at first available opportunity. Our foremost, biggest and
fundamental problem is MORAL DEGENERATION and CHARACTER FAILING throughout
Pakistan at all levels. That is why nothing works out justly and correctly. The
reasons are :Firstly, it is so because of lip service to our cherished
Deen-e-Islam in both individual and collective lives. We have hardly anything
in common in Pakistan except Islam, that is why Tehrik-e Pakistan was
successful in creating Pakistan. We are one NATION because we are all Muslims.
There is absolutely no other genesis of Pakistan. We can survive only with
Islam in our collective system. However we proved hypocritical to Allah, we
broke our solemn promise made with Allah 70 years ago on 23 Mar 1940 and then
again in 1952 when Objective Resolution was passed by our national assembly.
The 5 % elite class does not want Islam at all; the politicians wish to use it
as a political slogan only and not as part of their policy to apply it in
collective life. Our new generations have been
subjected to worst education system in practice for the last 40 years;
passing exams and securing high- marks certificates for seeking jobs is now the
only aim of education. Copying and frauds are rampant everywhere. Teaching of
Islam and value-education is non-existent at all levels. The concept of
teaching and practicing morals is not part of our curriculum. That is why we
are not trusted, rather looked down upon, by the entire international
community. The communities that are devoid of high morals and manners simply
perish. Worst still, we have ceased to be a civilized society any more.
Numerous instances can be quoted in support including the latest lynching of
two innocent boys by brutal beating in Sialkot before so many eyes on the scene
of crime. For how long we can survive in this chiastic state? The time is
almost up indeed.
Secondly, it is so because of absence of any accountability in the
country; hardly any justice, no merit, no fair play, the mighty and violators
thrive and can move away scotch free also; the rulers fear no one, the suo moto
actions are well taken but where is the justice! The Americans dictate and our
rulers just obey at the cost of our vital interests; the interests of people of
Pakistan and Pakistan are not at all of their concern. The rulers even have the
guts to wash away their crimes through stinking NRO. No one is asking the
rulers as to why they are not acting upon the Constitution of Pakistan. Common
people continue suffering for the last six decades as if they must remain the
slaves of their new masters. They will be crushed by State Power including Army
if they try to rise against this corrupt and inept system. I have a personal
experience of going through this ordeal. The prices of commodities and services
are now un-bearable. The lawlessness and corruption is rampant. No one feels
secure. Who cares? Courts may give historic judgments and verdicts but they
will not be implemented by the rulers. Even Supreme Court can’t protect the
people from this tyranny. Present democratically elected governments are
accountable to none___that is how they are behaving right now. They are not
even afraid of Superior Judiciary and Pak Army because they consider the CJ of
Supreme Court and the COAS as the
staunch supporters of democracy. Will this support stay as such at the cost of
the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan? Who is going to take care of this
country already in shambles? It is in fact shattering from within in the
process. How unethical? How criminal? How undemocratic? How illegal? How
unconstitutional? How can we people remain silent? It is impossible.
Thirdly, due to un-restricted access of shady foreign-funded
NGOs/individuals, Americans and Indians to all and sundry in this country which
have impacted us negatively in all respects.
Black Water, Dyne Corps and other such American organizations are
involved in criminal activities against Pakistanis. Our retired Army and Police
officers have been recruited by them on heavy perks. It is believed that most
of our missing persons are in their custody. Drone attacks are even handled by
Black Water and CIA. Our intelligence agencies, the police and administration
have played a major supporting role in this crime. Thousands of under-cover and
uniformed Americans and Indians under various pretexts have been given
long-term multiple visas to stay on our soil for their anti-Pakistan
activities. What are they doing in Jackab Abad Base, Tarbela Base, US Embassy
Fortress in Islamabad, Indian Embassy in Islamabad and many other covert places
elsewhere in Pakistan? The Nation has the right to know. There are other
Western NGOs entrenched here under the pretext of doing development activities,
but that is not true in reality. Indian vulgar culture has been systematically
introduced in our lives by all possible means. Our new generations have been
brain-washed against Islam, Pakistan and patriotism, they lack good character
qualities and requisite capabilities, and they are even unaware of our history
and genesis of Pakistan. They have no direction and aim of life. They are
confused, depressed, frustrated and dissatisfied in life here. Brain drain is
also taking place at our cost. In short we are spoiling as well as losing our
best human potential__we are destroying our future with our own hands indeed.
The present Governments, both at federal and provincial levels, are
undoubtedly the most incompetent, the most corrupt and criminally insensitive
to people’s problems. They are visionless, clueless, rigid, sadists, vindictive,
intellectually down-graded and insincere to Pakistan. They are not at all
credible, have lost the confidence of people as well as the international
community of nations. That is why neither our people nor world community trust
them to handle financial aid for the current flood victims. Even the UN has
stated that Pakistan’s ‘Image Deficit’ is preventing the pouring in of aid for
flood victims. They know the present corrupt rulers will eat it up. Through
their actions they have repeatedly proved beyond any doubt having no self
respect, no shame, no regard to rule of law and courts’ judgments, no regard to
national interests and those of the people. They are NRO-famed American
installed rulers. Some of the top persons have very serious cases against them.
The concepts of ‘Izzat’, ‘Hamiat' and ‘Ghairat’ are meaningless for them
anymore. Apparently they have been placed over us as punishment for our
misdeeds. They are not interested in the affairs of the country; in fact they
have become a security risk for Pakistan. Tons of material against them
available in the media of Pakistan and abroad, NAB and Judiciary are sufficient
to prove these facts. How can we continue to support them?
Cessation movements in Baluchistan, Sindh and KP have taken roots
in the minds of some people because of absence of justice, fair play; because
of deprivation and denial of legitimate rights of the people and worst form of
terrorist activities. Thousands of undercover and armed Americans as well as
Indians have been allowed to stay in Pakistan to protect their assets and to
keep a vigil eye on our vital interests for any possible actions against us at
the right moment. Why have we done so? How has the Army and ISI cleared
them? Logistic support to USA and
Afghanistan is practically being used against Pakistan. Do we support our
enemies to destroy us?
hardly interested in Pakistan’s real development and welfare. They are better
nationalists than us and more loyal to Judo-Christianity extremist ideology.
They wish to snatch away our all material assets including mineral wealth and
nuclear capability, also ensuring that Islam is not revived in its true spirit
anywhere in the world. Pakistan is considered the most feared sleeping lion.
They don’t believe in it, but do study Quran and Sunnah very deeply in order to
counter the future developments in their short-sighted approach. What is
destined by Allah will come no matter who tries to oppose it, yet these
disbelievers will harm us through their aimless actions in the process. We must
understand this psyche of the West. Their attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq and now
Pakistan (especially Baluchistan) are all aimed at these objectives. They will
not stop short of destroying our nuclear potential including killing of all our
nuclear scientists. Let us wake up to the hard realities on ground. Let us
identify and expose our enemies to fight back. How can they be our friends when
Allah Almighty has declared them to be our worst enemies? Let us NOT repeated
NOT deceive the poor, illiterate and simple people of Pakistan any more. We
must re-orientate our internal and external policies.
Drone attacks have compromised our sovereignty, self respect,
independence, our confidence and our capability to fight back in our legitimate
defence. CIA is killing our innocent people in FATA with our Government’s
permission__ apparently with the connivance and cooperation of even Pak Army
and ISI. They continue to kill even during our current flood catastrophe. How
can we keep quiet? How can we kill our people on mere suspicion? It is unthinkable. It is sheer ‘Zulum’. They
may not be liked by America but why must we alienate them. They are our
citizens to be protected and dealt with through due process of our law. How can
we join our enemies to kill our own people. Is it not criminal? Is it not
betrayal to this country? Apparent secret agreements with USA/CIA and the
puppet regime of Afghanistan against our National interests have further
undermined the trust of our people on the government supported by the military
leadership. The people have the right to know. We cannot tell lies to them. We
cannot deceive them anymore. Those who took decisions against the interests of
Pakistan and its people shall be made to face the music one day. That day is
not very far.
There is hardly any JUSTICE, no SECURITY, no PEACE___hence no HOPE.
Mere promises, tall claims, white lies, blame games of words and fake media
campaigns have further alienated the common people. The recent most criminal
negligence of the Government in handling the worst flood of our history, the
insensitivity rather the callousness of the President and the PM of Pakistan
during this worst disaster have further reinforced the call for a MAJOR CHANGE
in the Country. Instead of concentrating their entire effort in reaching out to
flood affectees for their rescue and re-habilitation, they have attacked the
media and that too for very wrong reasons. People are not happy at all, they
are frustrated and disappointed; they hate the rulers from the core of their
hearts indeed. USA and India are taking full advantage of this situation on all
fronts. What are we doing to reverse this?
In short, the entire system of governance and administration has
been corrupted from top-most to bottom. No one is even bothered about the mega
corruption scandals. Besides hundreds of mega corruption scandals, the PM is
yet to respond to Rs. 50 billion corruption per year in his own IT Ministry
leveled by his own Advisor. Almost all the Government functionaries in
administration, the members of lower judiciary, the Police, the politicians,
the members of Parliament, the community leaders, the industrialists, the
traders, the leaders of corporate sector and even some of the common people
connected with politicians, the administration and NGOs are very seriously
affected by this menace. Overwhelming majority of our public representatives
like Senators/MNAs/MPAs have become the parasites on all our national
resources, they have paralyzed the governments; in fact they have effectively
choked Pakistan so that it may not become a world power. Pakistan is
desperately craving for help in getting rid of these parasites and dacoits.
There is no following of the Constitution and the laws of the land by them. Our
moral and social fabric is withering away. Most of us neither fear Allah
Almighty nor the Laws of the land; we are by and large living an animal life
only. The writings on the wall are very clear for all of us. Why can’t we read
these? How can we survive as a criminal society and for how long? It is
impossible. We have to act, and act now to put everything right.(to continue).
The Way of
Revival of Hope -3
Notwithstanding the prevailing worst scenario in the Country, we do
appreciate that the CJ of the Supreme Court and the COAS have been successful
in restoring the good image of the Higher Judiciary and the Pak Army in public.
Independence of Judiciary is being seen through their recent landmark
judgments. The restoration of CJ by itself would have been impossible if he was
not fully determined, courageous, sincere to the national cause and a man of
impeccable character. Again the government resistance couldn’t have been broken
without the resilient lawyer’s movement for two long years fully supported by
the common people. His numerous suo motu actions have been instrumental in
protecting our vital national and people’s interests. Same is the case with the
COAS: Isolating Army from practical politics, motivating Army to fight back
with honor and dignity, protecting the national interests like exposing the
negative impacts of Kerry Lugar Bill, protecting our premier agency ISI, the
restoration of Judiciary, clearing the mess created by government in FATA
specially in Swat and South Waziristan in defeating the terrorists, and the
on-going very effective role being played by Pak Army in our flood affected
areas. Similarly, his landmark briefing to NATO leaders in Brussels totally
exposed the ill-conceived approach of our foreign office as well as the NATO
Allies. We, the people of Pakistan, feel proud to have such sincere and
competent Chief Justice of Pakistan and COAS Pak Army. We fully respect our
independent media. But is it enough? Is it working?
The driver in the seat is reckless, cunning and vindictive. He is
the most notorious who, through his most rigid and egoistic behavior, is bent
upon taking the country to disaster. He thinks nothing can dislodge him and he
can do whatever he likes. He along with his cronies have full control of PPP,
the Prime Minister is at his mercy. He has concluded that the Judiciary and
COAS will not touch him as he is above the law while on this seat. The people
will not rise because of high inflation, terrorism, Sindh Card and the recent
devastating floods. This is a very dismal and helpless picture for all of us.
Somehow he must be stopped from committing this suicide. We, the common people,
shall support any positive action by anyone in this direction. How? Let me
explain a few workable options in this regard.
The First Option of replacement of the present political leadership
with competent and honest one is of dire necessity now. No one is asking for
Martial Law. The present rulers are adamant to stay for complete tenure even at
the peril of Pakistan. What will we do with the Constitution and democratically
elected parliament when Pakistan goes away? They have utterly failed in their
constitutional obligations hence must leave. But experience of last 2.5 years
shows that they only listen to and act on sane voices when threatened to lose
chairs. The best way to do so is politely advising the governments to resign at
all levels on their own as they have lost the confidence of people and are
incapable of ensuring good governance. All the assemblies are dissolved as per
the procedure given in the Constitution and replaced by interim governments for
holding fresh general elections. They need to be told very frankly and
explicitly that they are soon taking Pakistan to a state of total disaster. No
more please, go home now in honor including the President and PM of Pakistan,
failing which the Country’s integrity and sovereignty will be placed at the
greatest risk. A bloody revolution may take effect ultimately in which case a
ruthless accountability will follow suit including possible mass killings and
total elimination of the corrupt leaders. Foreign intervention is also most
likely from USA and India who will protect none of those in power. The
situation then may be out of the capability and capacity of Pak Armed Forces to
handle. What will be the state of State of Pakistan then, no one can predict.
We all are what we are because of Pakistan, no one is indispensible, and strong
Pakistan must stay at all cost for all of us. The leaders come and go. This
advisory message may be clearly conveyed directly by patriotic Pakistanis,
intellectuals, political analysts and heads of important national institutions
including the COAS Pak Army, directly or indirectly with facts and figures.
They have to be firmly told to leave in safety now rather than in an
unpredictable way later. The media must play its due role. This is the most
respectful and peaceful method of change.
Now let us come to Second Option. In case the Government does not
agree to the above friendly advice, then the second workable option is
considered. We cannot afford to wait for another 2.5 years and destroy our
country at the end. The Supreme Court of Pakistan must be approached then. The
Chief Justice of Pakistan and other honorable judges of the Supreme Court will
have to be properly briefed by ISI, directed media persons, intellectuals,
reputed constitutional experts and like-minded friends to convince them of the
government’s failure to act in accordance with the Constitution and ensuring
good governance thereby necessitating a judicial direction to Pak Army under
Section 190 of the Constitution of Pakistan for holding elections under an
Interim Government. I understand it is improper to approach Judiciary directly
like this by government institutions; it must be done by any other person or
the civil society. These are unusual circumstances requiring unusual and out of
box solutions. A proper case has to be filed in the Supreme Court for declaring
the present Governments unconstitutional and incompetent to deliver, which is a
fact. The Constitution, the laws and the procedures are of no consequence if we
have to lose our beloved country at the end. Parliament is of no consequence if
it does not serve the people and the State in accordance with the Constitution
and the laws of the land. In this scenario, the entire process of change will
be constitutional, legal and very much under the control of the Supreme Court.
The Armed Forces will have to support the actions of the Supreme Court.
Election laws and procedures shall have to be amended beforehand for making
them more transparent, effective, independent, accurate and just. The new
government should be installed within six months through general elections.
Till then the Interim Government should remain in place doing the cleaning up
of the mess created during last 15 years. I am quite confident that the people
will fully support this action.
In case the Second Option is also not exercisable, then I can’t
think of any other solution except that the people of Pakistan may rise
themselves through a mass political movement under brand new leadership and a
brand new political party. This Third Option is the most effective and
everlasting one indeed. Without any exception, all current politicians stand
discredited before the people. New credible, honest, competent and patriotic
Pakistani leaders will have to lead this movement otherwise it will have no
chance of success. Overwhelming majority of common people should have the will
and active support for launching this movement. It can be done and must be done
to bring about a total and decisive change for the better. Martial law is not
at all the solution. The big question, however, still remains to be answered
whether the people will get that kind of sincere, visionary, competent, honest
and charismatic leadership to lead them to victory peacefully. One thing is for
sure that I will not remain quiet. I have been raising my voice against all the
injustices and corruption very vocally, sincerely and un-compromisingly. I
shall, Insha-Allah continue to do so even now in any capacity. There are many competent, spirited and honest
Pakistanis who would love to come forward to lead, in fact they must do so to
live an honored and successful life both here and Hereafter. Rest assured that in
absence of such a popular mass movement, the required TOTAL CHANGE is not
likely to take place before a major damage is done to the country(God forbid). No
one wants to see that damage. Once again, we don’t wish to weep over the total
disaster of disintegration of the country or laying down of arms like we did in
Dacca in 1971. We do not wish to have another fall of Quetta, Peshawar, Karachi
or Islamabad. That must never happen again. Something must be done now.
Remember it was PPP and Mr. ZA Bhutto responsible for fall of East Pakistan and
not so much the military leadership at the time. Please beware! It is the same
political party in power again with most incompetent, corrupt and clueless
leaders. One has to be more careful now please.
We just cannot afford to follow the “wait & see” policy. We all
have the collective responsibility to protect Pakistan and its people. The
Change is a must right now. Let us take a final and determined decision. Our
greatest fear is that Pak Army may be forced by the circumstances to intervene
at the very last moment where the orders would be “shoot at sight and shoot to
kill”, and where the entire politicians lot and elite class in Pakistan will
have to face the worst imaginable consequences. It will not be a friendly and
bloodless Martial Law then. A ruthless accountability with top speed may be
carried out by Army under tremendous pressure by people of Pakistan. There will
be no other choice left with the Army, otherwise people will overtake them in
uncontrolled manner, even the Army will be sorted out by these very frustrated
people. Peoples’ hatred is at the peak now, their revenge from our 5% elite
class and the politicians is likely to be totally ruthless and uncontrolled.
The political outcome is unpredictable as well. No one wishes to see this
scenario at all, hence the urgency to adopt the First Option above so that
peaceful and bloodless change may come about for the better. It is highly
advisable for the present political leaders to give in before these hard
realities now in reasonable respect. Choice is theirs. In case they remain
adamant on their weaknesses and blunders, they will have to face the worst
imaginable consequences later. The ‘Change’ is destined to come any way, choice
is ours to bring it peacefully and respectfully ourselves or let it come very
violently from within or without or both.
The Honored Chief Justice of Supreme Court or The COAS or other
Pakistani intellectuals and leaders may think of some better exercisable option
to get rid of this cancerous leadership and worst system of governance. People
of Pakistan are looking towards all of you for guidance: Give them a Hope, lead
them to safety and success, they shall support and follow you. There is none
else in sight to rescue them. Don’t be afraid of the barking dogs that seldom
bite. All of you shall be accountable to people of Pakistan and Almighty Allah
one day for your failure to act when you have the opportunity and power to
bring a positive change. Allah Almighty may bless us all ! Ameen !
One caution please! We must never forget that Pakistan was, is and
shall remain an Ideological State. It was created in the name of Islam, for application
of Islam in all respects in our lives and for the welfare of Muslims in
particular. That was the right decision taken by our fore-fathers at the time.
Article 2 and 2 A of the Constitution are very explicit in this regard and must
be put into practice progressively, sincerely and with ‘Hekmat’ come what may,
it is only then that our all problems shall be easily resolved and we shall
come out successful like any other proud nation. We can never claim to be
Muslims without following Islam in all respects. We can never deceive Allah, we
will be deceiving ourselves. We have to bury this hypocrisy forever. Let us
together go back to Allah Almighty and his final Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)
sincerely and openly. We must never be afraid of Americans or the West at all.
They have their culture and we have our own. They can never impose their
culture on us, they can never protect us, only Islam will protect us. We shall
do our utmost in this just struggle and trust Allah, He will help us
Insha-Allah. It is only then that we all shall be able to aspire for
Raza-e-Ilahi__the ultimate aim of our life here indeed.
Please remember that a Major
Change, rather a Total Change in the system of governance and leadership is
overdue now. Without a total overhauling nothing will improve. Piecemeal and
cosmetic efforts are useless now. We must act and act in time. I request all
patriotic Pakistanis to give it a deep thought please. This is the question of
our Iman, honor, independence, peace, progress and indeed survival. Let us
reframe our future. Let us take our destiny in own hands. The traditional
secular materialistic elite ruling families and our known enemies are not
letting us take the path of real development and ultimate success. They wish to
keep us as their slaves for their exploitation forever. We want freedom from
all these clutches of human beings. We wish to be the slaves of Allah Almighty
alone. Thanks God we have everything with us; spiritual, material and an
excellent human capital. We can and Insha-Allah shall become the world Islamic
super and just power for all others to follow suit. We can be truly independent
and strong Islamic welfare state. But we need to work hard for it. We only need
good leaders like you and others to take us out of this self created mess. We
need unity on just one slogan” Save Pakistan Movement”. Let us revive Tehrik-e-
Pakistan in its original form. Our total loyalty to our Deen and Pakistan
demands that we speak the truth now and do away with hypocrisy-laden politics
forever. The existing political parties and their leaders have totally lost the
confidence of people. Six decades were enough to test them. They have failed us
totally, now leading us to total destruction. They cannot be trusted anymore.
It is a wakeup call for all of us.
We now need brand new political party consisting of all brand new
leaders from amongst patriotic Pakistanis to lead us. They are present among
us, we have to locate them and ask them to lead. God-fearing, honest, sincere,
competent, visionary and determined leaders can still be found to launch a
peaceful and popular mass movement for a Total Change in the system of
governance. It is very important that we take the people of Pakistan in total
confidence; it is the key to success indeed. They shall follow the leaders
willingly with everything they have including their lives if the cause is just
and the leaders are sincere, competent, truthful and trust-worthy. It is our
collective responsibility to fight for our Deen and Pakistan. We cannot remain
quiet. We cannot live a humiliating and disgraceful life anymore under this Hippocratic
and tyrannical system. Currently there is no light visible at the end of the
tunnel. Our destiny is at stake. The time to act is fast running away. Please
rise to the occasion for giving all of us a Hope and an Aim of life in order to
happily live and willingly die for that Aim in honor/dignity. In my humble capacity I shall be in the
forefront to participate in peaceful peoples’ movement for granting Islamic
Pakistan its rightful honored place in the world as originally conceived. Allah
may bless us all, Ameen! (Concluded).