Annex A


1. General: Saghri Khattaks, living in Shakardara and Dhand Saghri areas of District Kohat, are worst hit as far as the development and progress aspects of the time are concerned. They have been left out since independence due to many reasons. The main reason of their backwardness is complete lack of education and awareness. Approximately 98 % of 0.15 million population is literally illiterate and unskilled. Existence of numerous government schools in the area has hardly made any difference there because of their very low education standards and lack of commitment by all concerned. The reality is that people of the area are continuously suffering and are forced to live below the poverty line since ages. Something must be done to alleviate their sufferings.
2. Wind of Change. The realization of this real shortcoming has come about now in the minds of the people with repentance and regret. They are now willing to participate in any activity of creating awareness and imparting skills to them and their young generations through proper education and training. One significant indicator of this change is their decision to unite together under one umbrella of “PAK SAGHRI DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY ”  for starting all kinds of required development activities in the area including education & training at the top priority.  This plan of Adult Education has, therefore, been prepared in light of the aspirations of these people and in line with the commitment of the Government of Pakistan through Millennium Development Goals for ensuring literacy of masses up to at least elementary primary education by 2015. Compulsions of modern era have also forced them to realize that acquisition of good education and required modern skills are must for sustainable development / progress and honorable successful life.
3. The Program
    a. Objectives: The overall objective is to enable the people to be educationally literate, economically strong and morally elevated so as to enable them to lead a comfortable, purposeful and successful life in all respects. This is further translated as under:
(1)  To impart basic literacy skills to all adults and youngsters, both males and females__ including reading, writing and understanding of Urdu, English, Mathematics, Arabic, History, Drawing, Earth Sciences and Computer Literacy etc.
 (2)  To create awareness in the fields of healthcare, hygiene and sanitation, general knowledge, protection against different diseases and first aid, environment protection and preservation of eco- balance in Nature, congenial home atmosphere and its blessings, child & mother care, women rights and empowerment, rights of neighbors and under-privileged, ethics and morals and other life-long learning skills, life/universe and purpose/values of life, good citizenship, constitutional rights and rule of law, human rights and human charter, right global perspectives/partnership and our desired role etc.
(3)  To impart different profitable and self-employing skills like effective  teaching/learning skills, preserving/processing/packing of food products/ animal products, modern agriculture practices & skills, cooking, home-based
 industries/skills, cattle/goat/poultry/fish/honey-bee farming, management of
fruit/vegetable gardens,  management of forests and pastures, raising and caring of domestic animals, modern farming technologies, profitable and modern technical skills, trading and marketing etc.
c. Eligibility: Following shall be eligible to take part in training:
(1) All adults up to age of 75.
(2) All students of the schools/colleges.
(3) All house wives and their wards for which separate arrangements shall be made.
d. Modus  Operandi. There are over 150,000 people, spread over 1000 sq km to be covered in one way or the other.. The procedure shall, therefore, be:
(1)  The training shall be imparted in Adult Education and Awareness Centers AEACs) to be established in the buildings of local schools or hired houses where available, at  least at 10 appropriate locations so as to cover maximum of 10,000 people per center inhibited in 5 to 10 surrounding  villages. All teaching activities shall be carried out in the afternoon/evening.
(2)   The training shall be imparted in shape of short and long-term courses, lectures, seminars, screening of films/ documentaries, group discussions, practical demonstrations, exhibitions, workshops and education visits to other places of learning and successful project sites in the country.
(3)   The centers shall be equipped with all required equipments, materials , gadgets, teaching aids and other administrative facilities for ensuring congenial, meaningful and result-oriented adult education and skills.
 (4)     The teaching staff shall be employed from outside the area from relevant institutions and learning/research centers in Pakistan. They shall be provided furnished accommodation and suitable transport facilities.
(5) The AEACs shall be managed and supervised by Pak Saghri Development Society.
eSiting of Adult Education and Awareness Centers (AEACs). Following ten centers are planned to be established during coming 5-7 years, AEACs  at  (1) and (5) below shall be established in Phase 1 at the outset during 2009-10:
 (1)  AEAC Shakardara: For Shakardara urban area , all villages of Chorlaki and Nari Banda.
(2)  AEAC  Saghri Bori : For villages Banjar Kalley, Saghri Bori, Faqir Abad, Kabal Khel,  Tattar Khel, Sarkai and Badasam.
(3) AEAC Nandraka : For villages Chanda, Kalia, Ghra Kallah, Spinkai and Karolli Kallah.
 (4) AEAC Tarkipal :  For villages Tarkipal, Maluk Khel, Cheshmai, Meera Khel, Chapari, Showarpsha, Musal and Jabali.
(5) AEAC  Rehmanabad :  For villages Drey Ghundi, Rehmanabad, Sarkidal-1, Sarkidal-2 and Lashkari Abad.
(6) AEAC Bakhtawara: For village Bakhtawara and Chanda.
(7)  AEAC Pakka :  For villages Pakka, Aster Autai, Gudda, Tor Mazak and Sangol.
(8) AEAC Jamal Mela: For villages Kekhmonai, Kanchka, Baddu, Jamal Mela, Rukhwan,  Mullawali and all Melajat from Utt Mela to Gujar Mela.
(9)  AEAC  Gorgora :  For villages Gorgora, Grewan, Gabari, Zer Koi, Kalia, Janak, Doopar and inhabitants in Rakh Topi from Sharki to Ott Mela.
(10) AEAC Braghzi : For villages of Braghzi Kalan and Darvezi Banda.
4. Initial Capex and Recurring Expenses:  At least Rs. 2.9 Million as Capex would be needed per AEAC for its establishment, and Rs. 4.2 Million pa per AEAC will be required to run the facility. Details are at Appendix 1 attached.

                                                                     Pak Saghri Development Society
      -------Oct 2009                                            ( Brig. Retd. Muhammad Ali)




                                                                                                      Appendix 1
                                                                                                                                                                                 Capex for Establishing One AEAC
Recurring Expenses

1.  Establishing Cost of one AEAC.
a. Rent Charges of a House/School @ Rs. 10,000/- pm = 120,000/- pa. However efforts shall be made to get the school buildings from the Govt for free in the afternoon/evenings.
b. Equipment and Accessories:
         (1)  Furniture: Rs. 50,000/-
         (2)  Multi-media: Rs. 80,000/-
         (3)  PA Equipment:  Rs. 20,000/-
         (4)  Computers (x15) @ 20000/-                      :  Rs.300, 000/-
         (5)  Sewing/Cutting Machines (15)                  : Rs. 75000/-
         (6)  Library Books: Rs. 100,000/-
         (7)  Photo Copier, Phone, Office Accessories:  Rs.  200,000/-
                                      Total( less rent):     Rs. 705,000/- -------------------A
2.  Transport: One Double Cabin  :         Rs. 20,00,000/-  -----------------B
3. Residential Accommodation (x3) for Singles:
    a.  Rent Charges of a 3-bed room house @ Rs. 10,000/ pm= 120,000/- pa.
    b.  Furnishing @ Rs. 50,000/- per house = 150,000/-
                                                     Total:      Rs. 270,000/----------------------C
4. Land Cost :  Six kanals @ Rs. 130,000/- per kanal in Shakardara= Rs. 800,000/-,  and @ Rs. 40,000/- per kanal in Dhand Saghri area = Rs. 300,000/- However this option shall be exercised only when school buildings are not available.
5.  Recurring Cost Per Month of One AEAC:
     a. Salary Teachers (x3)  @ Rs. 30,000/- = Rs. 90,000/-pm
     b. Stationery/Books/ Note Books: Rs. 30,000/-pm
     c. Admin Expenses :   Rs. 30,000/-pm
     d. Staff Salary @ Rs. 8000/- pm :  5 x 8000 = 40000/-pm
     e. POL Expenses and repairs:   Rs. 10,000/-pm
      f. Maintenance and Repairs of Building and Equipment: Rs. 10,000/-pm
     g. Rent Charges of AEAC and Residence      :  Rs. 120,000 /-pm
     h. Utility Charges :                                             Rs. 10000/-pm
                                                Total:        Rs. 340,000 /-pm -----------------D
Summary Capital & Revenue Expenses
6. Capex / Establishment Cost
    a. Equipment :                                             Rs. 705,000/-  (A)
    b. Transport :                                               Rs. 20,00,000/-  (B)
    c. Furnishing Res. Accommodation :          Rs. 150,000/-  ( C-Para 3 b )
                              Total:                               Rs. 28,55,000/- Say Rs. 2.9 M
7. Recurring Cost per Month:
    a. Rent charges:                    Rs. 10,000/-    (  C- Para 3 a)
    b. Salaries and Admin :         Rs. 340,000/-   (D)
             Total:                            Rs. 350,000/- Say Rs. 0.35 million PM.

                                                                    Rs. 4.2 Million PA

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