Vision of Pakistani Nation

Vision of Pakistani Nation

As Reflected in Education Policy of Pakistan 1998-2010

                   The implications of Ideology of Pakistan

“The ideology of Pakistan lays down two important obligations for the government. Firstly, education will be accessible to all citizens. Secondly, it shall enable them to prepare enlightened and civilized individuals committed to the cause of Islam recognizes provision of education as a right of the individual.
The ideology of Islam forms the genesis of the State of Pakistan. The country cannot survive and advance without placing the entire system of education on sound Islamic foundations”.

The Vision

“The vision is to transform the Pakistani Nation into an integrated, adhesive entity, that can compete and standup to the challenges of 21st Century. The Education policy is formulated to realize this vision of an educationally well-developed, politically united, economically prosperous, morally sound and spiritually elevated nation”.

Extracts from Education Policy of Pakistan



What is Curriculum?         It is combination of all those elements and sources which are used to achieve the aims and objectives of education.
Its main elements are:-

v  Education standards (comprehensive, subject and grade level standards)
v  Text Books and Helping Books.
v  Practical and Experimental Activities.
v  Co-curricular activities, extra-curricular activities and sports.
v  All facilities and equipment used as aids for teaching.
v  Evaluation / Examination.

Standards-   Standards setters have adopted the definition of standards in shorthand phraseology- “what students should know and be able to do”

Comprehensive Standards.        Can be defined as what students will know or be able to do as a result of our entire comprehensive educational program and services. These are the qualities that we strive to bring out in each student. These are the standards which our Mission Statement strives for and the type of standards our parents would like to see our students aspire to. While these general standards constitute general high expectations, they are not specific enough to serve as the basis for instructional planning or assessment development. Each standard identifies an important and complex act that requires students to use knowledge from various subject areas, thinking processes, and communication procedures. They are not tied to any specific grade level nor to any specific subject area, but rather, represent student skills, knowledge and characteristics that our Mission Statement and parents expect from our students. These standards “Line-up” with our Mission Statement and will provide a rare opportunity to further define our Mission Statement in regards to students expectations and standards.

Subject Area Standards-  Can be defined as what students will know or be able to do as result of the entire educational experience in the subject area, here at School. These are developed from the anticipated educational experiences the student has encountered in a specific-subject area program from Kindergarten through Grade 12. We thus define Subject Area Standards as those which “spell out the subject to learn” throughout their pre-degree education.

Grade Level Standards by Subject Area-        Specifies what students will know or be able to do at each grade level in a given subject area. They must be measurable.  These standards are developed using the national standards developed by national professional educational or curriculum development organizations. These must be achieved during the period laid down for the purpose.

FFC Public School, Mirpur Mathelo
Definitions of Standards and their Relation to the Vision of State of Pakistan

Genesis of State of Pakistan
(Ideology of Pakistan)

Vision of Pakistani Nation

Mission Statement of the School

Points of School’s Philosophy

Comprehensive Achievement Standards
What our graduates will know and be able to do as a result of our K-12 comprehensive educational program.
(vision---not easy to measure)

Subject Area Standards
What our students will know or be able to do as a result of our entire K-12 education program in a specific subject area.
(some what measurable)

Benchmarks- Grade Level Standards

What students will know or be able to do as a result of the level’s educational program (must be measurable)
(Implementation during the Academic year)

Assessment / Evaluation
Mission of Sona Public School, Mirpur Mathelo

By definition a “Statement of Mission” is meant to be a clear and concise expression of the schools purpose and function…….. a bold declaration of what the school will be. It is a powerful statement meant to pull the school’s curriculum and instruction towards new heights of excellence and accomplishment. In fact, all curriculum and instructional decisions should be tested for consistency against the “Statement of Mission”. It is meant to focus all of the School’s attention and to concentrate all its energies towards achieving that purpose.

Mission Statement

The mission of Sona Public School Mirpur Mathelo is to ensure that every student achieves academic success in the most modern education, develops a lifelong love of learning and becomes a responsible citizen of Pakistan through an enriched curriculum of Pakistan taught by a qualified and experienced faculty committed to provide the best possible all-round education and training to the students in partnership with parents for comprehensive development of their personalities in an Islamic environment and setting”.


The Objectives

General Objective

The Sona Public School Mirpur Mathelo provides for a complete state of education in itself as it is intended to prepare the students physically, intellectually, morally, socially and vocationally for a full life as citizens of Pakistan and as competent, responsible and exemplary members of Muslim Society and of world community at large.

Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of our School are conceived as outcomes of the process of education in behavioral terms. It is, therefore, envisaged that on completion of Class 10  in general and Class 12 in particular, a student will be able to:

1.        Academic Objectives 
            Students are encouraged to:
·         Demonstrate excellence in the knowledge and understanding of the subjects of study, as well as proficiency in the use and application of that knowledge to practical and real life situations.
·         Exhibit imagination, develop and demonstrate habits of inquiry creativity and ability to think logically and critically.
·         Develop problem-solving strategies and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information.
·         Acquire literacy, numeracy and technology skills that will enable them to meet demands of every day life.
·         Determine their future occupations and prepare for those accordingly.

2.        Social Objectives
Students are encouraged to: 
·         Form a healthy self-image and emotional maturity.
·         Demonstrate confidence in their ability to achieve positive results.
·         Make informed decisions and accept responsibility for the consequences.
·         Demonstrate co-operation with school, civil authorities and obey parents as per our beliefs and laws of the land.
·         Interact confidently and appropriately with others, acknowledging their rights, opinions and successes.
·         Respect people of different cultures and those who are physically or mentally challenged.
·         Recognize the elements of fair play and the importance of positive attitudes toward justice.
·         Exhibit good work habits such as diligence, initiative, hard work, integrity, honesty and dignity of labor.
·         Display leadership, sense of social responsibility and effective participation in socially useful tasks.

       3.    Spiritual Objectives
                   Students are encouraged to:
·         Learn and act upon Islamic knowledge, beliefs, principles and practices as contained in the Holy Quran and as exemplified in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Mukhammad (SAW)
·         Respect people of other religions and their persuasions.

4.       Physical Objectives
            Students are encouraged to:
·         Demonstrate liking and skill for physical activity and sports in order to remain physically fit and active.
·         Practise the principles of healthful living and recognize their importance in all aspects of practical life.
·         Follow a healthy diet, participate in healthy physical activities and abstain from harmful substances.
·         Develop skills that help them perform useful work and utilize profitable leisure time.

Grammar School MM
Subject Area Standards for Mathematics

Students will be able to:

v  Compute accurately with and without a calculator.
v  Appreciate and understand number systems.
v  Manipulate numbers, equations and formulas.
v  Communicate mathematics concepts accurately in verbal and written forms.
v  Use technology appropriately to aid understanding.
v  Analyze statistical data.
v  Solve practical problems involving probability.
v  Apply the principles of geometry.
v  Apply inductive and deductive reasoning.
v  Work individually and cooperatively to solve problems.
v  Understand and appreciate the relationship of mathematics to other disciplines.
v  Display confidence in accepting and pursuing mathematical challenges.
v  Understand and use systems of measurement.


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